Seen any good movies lately?

Captain America II: Excellent!

2Guns…another good one.

Yeah, loved Cap II and 2 Guns was a lot of fun, i ended up watching it a few times. You can always depend on Denzel Washington to give a great performance, no matter how generic the film, but i can really take or leave Marky Mark. As a person i think he’s a horrible, arrogant shit, but he’s knocked out a few enjoyable performances. Bill Paxton’s enjoyable hateful in it too.

Cap II was absolutely amazing. I watched it in the cinema and was blown away, i thought it was much better than Avengers. The first Captain America was already my favourite Marvel film, but i think the second one topped it. I’m not a huge lover of constant comic book films. i’d kinda reached saturation point, but this was a fresh, exciting film, so well directed and the fight scenes and action scenes were brilliant.

He’s the kind of character who could just be bland, but Chris Evans does a great job of making a square, earnest do-gooder a believable and likable character. I can’t think of anyone who could have played him better. The scene where Nick Fury… er, “gets stuck in traffic”, was stupendously good [:)][/reply]

I like Marky mark…most of his movies are good (NOT The Happening) I’m always surprised that he does a good acting job in the different roles he plays. Denzel is always great.

I totally agree Cap II is the best so far. Avengers a close second. Both Thor’s were also very good.

This looks badass. Might be a little too close to home for me to get out of the theatre without a heart attack, but I’m looking forward to it.

“No Escape”

This looks badass. Might be a little too close to home for me to get out of the theatre without a heart attack, but I’m looking forward to it.

“No Escape”

looks cool but i feel like i just saw the whole movie.

^Haha! Yeah, pretty much.

I’m part way through Nick Cave’s 20,000 Days On Earth.
So far, so good.

Inherent Vice…

Not sure what I just watched…

I watched Pacific Heights last night. Fuck, I wish Michael Keaton would play a bad guy more often…

seeing a double feature in 35 mm tomorrow night of the Matrix and Fight Club.

I’ve actually never seen Fight Club

I’d probably skip the double, but seeing Fight Club in a real theatre would be sweet!

I’d probably skip the double, but seeing Fight Club in a real theatre would be sweet!

it’s at Quentin Tarrantino’s theater, they have double features every night for only $8 and everything is shown in their original film prints. I’ve been there 3 times already, such a blast and snacks are super cheap too. The cool thing is they let you skip doubles if you want…you can buy your ticket and not show up to the second film, or leave after the first.

I hate the movie version of Fight Club, because I love the book so much.

They changed major key plot points [How they meet, the actual ending], and made it into this terrible comedy instead. Yes, the book has dark humor, but I feel that wasn’t given its due.

I always wished that the casting would’ve been reversed, with Edward Norton as Tyler, and Brad Pitt as the narrator; to take someone that could be seen as meek, and make them the epitome of anarchy would’ve been awesome, and then to have Brad Pitt idolize him in the storyline…

I hope that I get to see a remake someday.

None of the movies I like ever get ruined by the books I never read.

I hate the movie version of Fight Club, because I love the book so much.

They changed major key plot points [How they meet, the actual ending], and made it into this terrible comedy instead. Yes, the book has dark humor, but I feel that wasn’t given its due.

I always wished that the casting would’ve been reversed, with Edward Norton as Tyler, and Brad Pitt as the narrator; to take someone that could be seen as meek, and make them the epitome of anarchy would’ve been awesome, and then to have Brad Pitt idolize him in the storyline…

I hope that I get to see a remake someday.

You do realize Chuck Palahniuk said he prefers the movie to his book? He admits Finch fixed a lot of the weaknesses in his story.

I disagree with Palahniuk thinking that.

I think the two characters meeting on the beach with no one else around, made more sense than on the plane with a ton of other people around.
I liked that the buildings didn’t blow up in the end, it went with the ongoing ‘Paraffin has never worked for me’ detail in the story, that links Tyler as being the same person as the narrator.

None of the movies I like ever get ruined by the books I never read.

The only movie that I felt was better than the book, and people may disagree with me, is A Scanner Darkly. Its definitely easier to follow the storyline and make sense of whats going on. That and the animation over every frame, just adds to the feel.

I love Fight Club the movie…

and I’ll take any PK Dick novels over the film adaptations of his work…he is my favorite novelist by far…UBIK abd The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch being my all times faves…

I did like the Scanner Darkly film though…it was done justice…

I loved the film adaptation of Dick’s “Confessions of a Crap Artist” which came out in France as “Barjo”. I thought it tied together the themes of a comparatively minor PKD book and turned it into a major movie.

I also preferred the film version of “Sweet Hereafter”. I probably prefer the movie “Fight Club” too, but don’t think either is necessarily great.

I disagree with Palahniuk thinking that.

Well, you’re certainly free to disagree - but it is notable as one of the very few instances where a book’s author actually says “Yeah, the movie was better.” The only other one I can think of is Mario Puzo preferring the film version of The Godfather.

None of the movies I like ever get ruined by the books I never read.


Just saw '71, it was good and tense and morally oblique.