"We have spacecraft from another species"

This is a high ranking officer not some tinfoil hat dude on the corner holding a sign!


I just had a pretty kick ass thought.

If there are aliens. And they have been coming to our planet for millions of years… then clearly they have mastered interstellar flight which means it’s quite likely they also have video and photography capabilities. so THEN, if Aliens have walked among us There might be video of ancient civilizations.
Maybe we could hear Lincoln deliver the Gettysburg address for real. Maybe we could see what Cleopatra or King Tut really looked like. Maybe we could see what dinosaurs really looked like!! Or watch the pyramids be built. That sounds fun! Damn, that would be rad!…

Cause, really aliens could’ve had satellites in our orbit up until like what the 1950s? Without really being detected… and now that we have so much space crap orbiting our planet they could have one there again without really being noticed.

Damn i love aliens and UFO stuff. I want to believe!

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I don’t know what to think about all this. Especially when some of the footage they’ve released has been debunked- the footage in the thumbnail was just a passenger jet some guy on youtube exposed this.

If they’re trying to come forth with disclosure they’re doing a lazy ass job of it. Why are they releasing phony oftentimes very vague footage? Often times sneaking ufo news behind a hotter story like covid in 2020.

If they have alien craft surely they have nice crisp photos of it sitting in a hangar somewhere with great detail of the cockpit? Maybe have a respected engineer walk us through what we’re looking at and some intelligence agency higher up explain to us how we procured them… that would leave little doubt in people’s minds.

So to me this new whistleblower bombshell is either some contrived bullshit or there’s some sort of power struggle going on in the deep state between those for disclosure and those against.

I’m back to this square with ya’. I want to believe, but I don’t want to be an idiot about it either. The only thing that lets me be hopeful about this is the dude’s credentials, for the most part, but even that is suspect now. The dude’s retired, so there’s really no threat to him as far as repercussions for this. The DOD gave permission for him to speak. However, that kinda bodes in his favor. He’s not allowed to show photographs or speak about specifics, but if it’s all bullshit he wouldn’t have pictures or specifics to give. So why the need for the letter?

His body language in the interview checked out more often than not. For example, if the claim anyone is making is bullshit, they usually will shake their head "no,"as they make their claim. “Oh, yes, I’ve met little green men” shaking their head no as they make that claim is usually a decent indicator that they are lying. He only had a few of these moments in the interview i saw that body language didn’t line up with dialogue. One specifically is when he said “Call them spacecraft if you will” but he was shaking his head “no.” so he knows they aren’t spacecraft. but what are they?

As far as I’m concerned the Fravor video and the Tic Tac video are the only legit ufo videos that have been released. I’m of the opinion that anything that has lights on it is man made. WHat the hell do aliens need with lights? The’ve mastered interstellar flight but need a 30 watt bulb for their craft? Sounds like bullshit to me.

That’s an understatement!

My parents said something similar. (they’re in their 70s and 80s) they said whenever something big is hitting the country they trot out the UFOs. They pointed to the Fravor video hitting during the lockdown, and you can follow that pattern all the way back to the impeachment of Nixon. Before Nixon was impeached a rash of UFO stories were hitting the news circuits. The ex pres is about to be indicted for real, so here comes the UFO stories right on schedule.

Well, that’s who this guy is supposed to be, a former member of the intelligence department, highly decorated soldier with impeccable credentials… I just wish he had more to offer than “My best friend’s sister’s boyfriend’s brother’s girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who’s going with a girl who saw Ferris pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it’s pretty serious.”

I think the “deep state” shit is some paranoid Q bullshit. So, if those are my only two options, I guess I have to go with contrived bullshit. :frowning_face:

One of the things he said is, “some of these non human species are hostile.” I found that hard to believe. I would think any species that has the ability to make it to Earth essentially has unlimited power (compared to us) and we don’t stand a chance against species with unlimited power… Also, they have ships the size of football fields… How do football fields fly through the air unnoticed?

Oh well still fun to think about.

Joe Rogan’s guest brought that up on one of the recent shows. The dude in the interview spoke in generalities instead of first hand perspective. He basically gave zero insight and the dopey interview didn’t even ask proper follow up questions like “what did YOU see” or anything of the sort. Hot garbage.

I think people can handle full disclosure. Just pop footage of a live alien speaking to someone, air it everywhere like you do the world cup and let’er rip.

I don’t think horror and societal collapse would ensue like some might have you believe. I think quite the opposite would happen. It would usher in a new era and interest in space travel and the unrelenting thirst to get to the bottom of where we came from. When you look at it we have no clue where we got started. All we have are some archeological findings from this civilization and that civilization but we can’t pinpoint the genesis

I haven’t listened to Rogan since he made the move, but I generally like Rogan as an interviewer. He asks some good questions, has decent follow up questions and seldom lets bullshit answers fly through. Unless he’s yammering on about UFC he generally has good guests on too. I definitely like that he fact checks himself and is the first to call himself out. Alright Rogan love aside…

I think you’re right. I think the world population could handle it. The only people whose heads would explode are the people making a buck off of Jesus and the people they are duping with it. But first world countries have steadily declining religious rates. The US is the only country holding on to that shit, and even our numbers are in serious decline compared to what they used to be.

I like this “let the genie out of the bottle” approach, but I think Fox tainted even this approach back in the mid 90s when they ran their stupid alien autopsy video as news and it was total bullshit. So, I think people may be even skeptical of television footage.

I would hope it would renew interest in the hard sciences, and inspire people to go back to actually learning things. I guess time will tell… if ever.

So, nobody thought to pull out their camera and video this creature they were describing? but they definitely got a photo of them all on the lawn looking scared… :thinking:
Isn’t the New York Post kind of like National Enquirer? Just straight tabloid like “Bigfoot Gives Birth to Alien lizard Baby” type nonsense?

Ya that fox thing might rear its head. There’s always gonna be a group of people that deny it no matter what evidence you produce. A live alien may not do the trick either it could get dismissed as fake. You may have to go with live demonstrations on a local level. Bring in alien ambassadars and fucking do a world tour Q&A lol

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Supposedly there was a security camera near by but the power went out for 5 minutes when this occurred. Yeah, I hear ya with phones, etc.

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Yeah, i want stories like this to be true. i just have a hard time believing it. It just comes off sensational and like an attention grab from people who are bored. Id love to be wrong about it, though.

CBS covered that story too. Just seems odd that an advanced race would land in some random jabronis backyard stare at them and then leave. Haha

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Ha ha! Absolutely!
I guess the argument could be you don’t get to pick where your spacecraft breaks down and we’re aliens to them so of course they’d be fascinated by us so why wouldn’t they stare?

Damn it made the La Times

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I do like that the whistleblowers statement has caused a ruckus though. Apparently the house is holding a hearing on ufos in reaction to the whistleblower. I guess thats progress.

Also the original News Nation interview did 2.2 million views which trumps everything they’ve ever shared. Seems people are paying attention. I still sense an air of elitism among people despite this soft disclosure. You still see news anchors chuckle and make jokes. The stigma is gonna be hard to break.

I was under the opinion the house was already holding UAP hearings, they just added him to the schedule. I know they had a briefing last year, as well, with a huge, highly anticipated document dump that let everyone down, as I new it would.

I think, those numbers were just from the segment from the newscaster during her hour. I don’t think they have actually played the entire interview. That comes out this Sunday at 9pm EST on newsnation.

I think that’s just the nature of a journalist. I mean I get skepticism, but when you’re generally covering cold hard fact events (Or at least their interpretation of them) day in and day out , and here comes this story that’s ripped from a comic book plot and smacks of fantasy. I could understand why the chuckles and the eye rolling. They’re not used to giving coverage to the fantastic/almost supernatural. I think it makes them uncomfortable because it’s not the same old same old. What I think is lost on them is that aliens have the potential to be real while the supernatural does not, but they lump them together.

I’m gonna tune in for that. I would like to read this guys body language too. It will tell a lot.

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Well i need to watch the full interview again BUT his body language mostly holds up… one thing I specifically want to relisten to is his explanation of “aliens.” He said something to the affect of they aren’t from other planets but some sort of different dimensions or something like that. Like they exist in between quantum fields or something like that. That seemed pretty fantastic in the literal sense of the word… i watched it late last night and was drifting in out of sleep. Ill watch it again probably tomorrow or soon

They haven’t uploaded it yet on their youtube. I don’t think.

I don’t expect to get much out of it though. The interviewer is asking a buncha softball questions and doesn’t really press anything. I’m also a little annoyed the media keeps skirting around the word alien instead opting for shit like “non human intellegence” and a buncha other mealy mouthed nonsense lol. That could be monkeys or off world humans for all we know. Just say aliens! I know outright saying ALIENS will elicit some chuckles but at the end of the day this is what we’re talking about here and its important to be direct.

I am curious as to why this guy decided to put his freedom on the line despite not having any firsthand evidence or any hard evidence at all. And if he does have any hard evidence it’s classified and he’d probably be brought before a firing squad for revealing any of it. So either he’s incredibly naive for believing what people have told him, or he’s lying (disinformation), or he has an ace up his sleeve. Maybe he has people willing to back up his claims if this goes to Congress? I just find it hilariously intriguing that he’s willing to expose himself this badly

this new bit of information has me leaning disinformation/psyop. i just find this whole thing very odd. He’s revealing stuff that has been cleared by the department of defense… why would they clear him if what he’s saying is supposedly top secret?

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