Trump Lost That Debate

No matter what Hedjob says.

(Here is a thread to argue about politics)


And staying with my original claim and the title of this thread. Trump lost that debate.

The Locals are backing harris.

And in true antisemite fashion will blame jews for his shitty showing.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a proper political thread on Prongs. Let’s see if there’s enough of us left here to make a proper go of it!

That’s because the Australian(“s”) and dj would always bitch and moan about it. I’m always up for politics.
I honestly don’t think hedberg thinks trump didn’t win the debate, either. I think he’s just arguing that trump supporters think he won the debate and that states with 9 people in them will win the electoral college for trump.

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That’s the general consensus but I thought it was a stalemate.

Trump kept lying and the mods constantly fact checking him and never Harris didn’t help his cause. It was 3 against 1. Not a fan of his Chinese trade war tariffs which will just breed retaliatory tariffs on us and make everything even more expensive

Harris didn’t offer any real solutions and kept playing the sympathy card and hamming it up. Got caught lying too and didn’t get fact checked. Half the socialist shit she’s proposing isn’t gonna go down it’s just pandering to the under class.

I don’t think any of these candidates are fit to run for office. This two party system is fucking ass cheeks.

In my opinion you can’t win a debate if you didn’t come off persuasive and logical (which niether did). Simply because Trump lost his cool and Harris didn’t doesn’t mean she won.

With all that said I don’t think this debate will make or break either candidate. In the end I think Harris probably wins. She has the entire machine behind her and the constant media shilling is never ending (which is funny considering just a few months ago she wasn’t that popular with her own party lol) and Trump’s campaign has been terribly managed.

This was Trumps race to lose and hes losing it

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Lost the debate, who cares win you win the election.
This isn’t the first debate he lost now is it.
No question marks normally lead to no answers/comments.
Your all quoting your chosen news outlets, I’m simply reminding you all what happened last time.
You all keep trying to deny the past…

…lotta luck with all that.(in a seinfeld tone of voice)!

Remember, a debate is just a debate and or crowd pleaser, not a ticket into the white house.

Look at things as they actually are, not how you hope they will be.

If you mentally looks both ways you may not physically be hurt and live…live to fight another day!!

Acrid pimple…I’ve always loved you and always will.

Oh and i like/love when you call it politics.

This is an arranged marriage and absolutely nothing more which as history tells us pleasing everyone is futile.

Enjoy your groom/new leader, hey the tax breaks will be awesome!!

Winning/losing a debate is in the eye of the beholder, you can still sit on the couch and decide who won/lost a debate.

Remember the power of decision?

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Watching the american election from a distance (norway) it seems like the whole political system in the US is hopelessly lost… It’s tempting to call Trump supporters “idiots”, and some of them may be gullible, or actually beleive he’s some kind of guardian angel of the worker class or whatever, but I suspect/fear that many of those who vote for him / support him actually do so as they hope him being in charge will expose the “system” for how flawed it is and de-stabilize the current political status quo. I just hope his more cynical supporters are “careful what they wish for”. The democratic party seems to be “in name only” as well, so I don’t really know what to think anymore… seems almost like a lose/lose situation. Equally sad is the fact that many of our fellow euro/scandi governments are filled up with more and more politicans playing divide-and-conquer or status-quo-or-bust and we choose them and support them equally as we poke fun of american politics in our presses… :frowning:

Lost the debate, who cares win you win the election.

Apparently you do. All I said was, I was listening to trump get his ass whooped in the debate, and you posted to say I was in some bubble ‘cause the midewest thinks he won, and then you started going on and on about how talking head’s opinions mean nothing even though it was left and right talking heads talking how he lost.

“Your all quoting your chosen news outlets,“

These are not “chosen news” sources. It’s not like it’s manipulated news like fox or OAN… these are legit news sources.

I’m simply reminding you all what happened last time.

I know that’s what you think you’re doing, but as I have already pointed out, this is not the same situation. There is record breaking voter registration, and there is tremendous hype for Harris. Harris continues to widen her “Battle ground states” lead.

It sounds to me like you are getting your info from a single source and are trying to paint it as gospel. That’s irresponsible. Even the GOP sees the writing on the wall, which is why they are trying to pass the SAVE act which would disenfranchise millions of women voters. But it’s so bad enough regular republicans won’t support it.

Remember, a debate is just a debate and or crowd pleaser, not a ticket into the white house.

Wtf? Lol. so being popular, a crowd pleaser, doesn’t get votes?

The mere fact that you’re down playing Harris’ ass whooping of trump in the debate shows your true colors because if trump woulda whooped on Harris you’d be here trying to say “Harris is done. trump flexed so hard on Harris in the debate… yadda yadda (in my best Seinfeld imitation)

Look at things as they actually are, not how you hope they will be.

Projection. Perfect advice you should follow.


This has happened, but not in the way he would hope. It has completely exposed that the rich are subject to a completely different set of laws. This has been the grumblings for about as long as the country has existed, but this is so high profile at this point theres no way around it. That fact that this guy hasn’t been held accountable for any of the illegal shit he did even though he’s been found guilty completely showcases the two tier system.

Nonsense.This has been the political advertising of the right wing for years. If the two really are the same, if both sides are equally bad, do me a favor (my fellow Americans who vote, that believe this) then just vote a blue ticket. it shouldn’t matter, ‘Cause they are both equally awful, right?

The truth is, bullshit like that gets said for two reason:

  1. To try to lower the voter turn out (the GOP does well when the voter turn out is low) “why should i vote when they’re the same?”


  1. to justify why someone voted republican while trying to appear non partisan.

Republicans have made life miserable for Americans everywhere. Most recently with roe vs wade. Marriage equality is up next. get ready to see gay marriage and interracial marriage be “left up to the states.”
Republicans are consistently giving tax breaks to the wealthy while screwing over the middle and lower classes. Never ending wars. Lying to the public, outing cia agents. They rig the stock market so they can socialize their losses and privatize their profits. Got all of their own covid loans forgiven, but are blocking school loan forgiveness programs. The list goes on. Name one thing republicans have done to help Americans.

Democrats are generally trying to help the people and when not successful its because republicans have blocked it.
40 hour work week, Worker protections, unions, Medicare and medicaid, Social security, Affordable care act (because republicans blocked single payer) the FDA, minimum wage, the list goes on.

These two parties are not the same and anyone trying to convince you that they are is a partisan hack trying to get you to, at best, vote gop because why not? Or at worst get you to not vote at all which still helps the gop.


Great write-up, and I’d like to point out that I agree with you a 100%. I just wish there was a way for any kind of democratic party (american or elsewhere) to get more backing for candidates like Bernie Sanders and the like - the more progressive, daring kind. :slight_smile: Left or right, we’re all just too shackled by capitalistic interests, if you catch my drift.

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Bernie Sanders is a lunatic whose pie-in-the-sky dreams will never come true (and this is coming from a rabidly progressive, waaay left Democrat). Universal healthcare will never happen until drug companies are prevented from funding political aspirations. Ditto colleges. Free college for everyone? Psssht. Bullshit. Never gonna happen. I wish he’d spend more time focusing on things that are more concrete, and less time pursuing fanciful dreams that have no chance of coming true.

His motives are pure and his ideas are nice, but they’re not feasible. At all.

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Debates = lies, wishful thinking.

From my recollection trump has never"won" a debate.

Didn’t stop him from winning before.

Debates are obviously irrelevant.

Picking up a remote and choosing a channel to watch. This should mean you have chosen a channel to watch.

Legit news source…thats cute!

Agree completely.

I’m not too familiar with Bernie Sanders’ ideas but you have what you would call very socialist countries in Europe that are among the richest and with better living quality in the world. With the better example being the northern europe countries.
Of course, every country is different and has its own specificities, and maybe these more socialist measures would never translate well to the USA.


About the debate… no one who is voting Trump changed their mind, I mean, the guy did and said so much shit and nothing happened.
The Harris hype could be good for the democrats if it translates to more votes in the swing states, which I don’t know if it’s happening.

And yeah, I agree that this bi partisan system is not a good system. And something that always bothers me is why the guy whose campaign gets more money becomes the favorite. Ideas seem to matter very little…

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I agree with you, swine, I honestly think Bernie Sanders does represent the democratic party (or at least the democratic party as it wants to/or should be), but the problem is that the country has been moved so ridiculously to the right that even the center looks far left. and when other dems criticize “the squad” it just legitimizes the bullshit that the conservatives say about them.

It’s any government’s duty to look out for the general welfare of its citizens, but our country’s government doesn’t want to do that, and the ones within government that want to do that (Bernie, AOC, Talib, Omar, etc) are all painted as extremists for wanting to raise the standard and quality for others.

The republicans own the means of production, Hollywood might be liberal, but the news outlets are not Hollywood and they are all owned by conservatives. Rupert Murdoch owns more news outlets than he’s allowed to, but the government rewrote the antitrust laws for him so he could buy the wall street journal and a few other news outlets so they wouldn’t go bankrupt.

Anytime a decent amount of change is about to come our way, here comes the GOP to put the fear of socialism into the country. Socialism is alway used as a scare word when in actuality it is something decent to provide for the common welfare of the country.

When Obama was trying to get the affordable care act passed all the republicans did was scream and holler about how the “government was taking over health care” and they were gonna “kill grandma” and “death panels” and blah blah bullshit. It was all a complete lie and what’s even more pathetic is the majority of republicans that pushed that lie never suffered any consequences. They didn’t get voted out of office for directly and overtly lying to their constituents, that’s why change takes forever here in the USA. We have to get past the lying republicans first. It’'s not even a point of view it’s a straight up lie.

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