Trump Lost That Debate

thinking bernie is a lunatic doesn’t exactly scream “rabidly progressive, waaay left democrat.”
The only reason his “pie in the sky dreams” aren’t coming true, yet, is because republicans block him constantly, they don’t vote for his bills and they smear him every chance they get. Also, Bernie is not the only one who wants these things. A majority of americans want these things too.

Universal healthcare is totally achievable and has been shown to work in first world countries. I agree about keeping drug companies from funding politicians… Hell, I’ve said for years that if anyone wants to really start cleaning up government you have to start with making lobbying illegal.

Free college for everyone. I’m not sure if you’re old enough to to know this, but college was already free. Anyone could go to college for free up until about the mid to late 70s. We are a wealthier country now than we were in the 70s. We could afford free college. And free college isn’t just an investment in America, it’s an investment in the world.

Calling Bernie a lunatic just supports the further march to the right. No disrespect, but you may be left wing in the current political landscape, but not left wing in actuality if you aren’t for moving our social programs to benefit more people, and I’m certainly not flexing, “ooh look I’m a better progressive than you.” I dislike all the infighting and the purity tests and what not, but for me I don’t see bernie as a lunatic, I see him a guy trying move our country forward.

I definitely agree with swine that we really need some actual left wing politicians that are looking out for the citizens instead of these pseudo democrats that are just trying to pump the breaks on how fast the gop is taking us to the extreme right. That’s not to say the parties are the same, they could just be better.


completely disagree. sorry fellas.

I like that grmpy fella, he’s smart and is going places!

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Some news outlets have more ethos than others like the AP for example

I suppose it depends who is debating and who is fact checking

Perhaps you don’t remember when he was running against other republicans in the gop primary.

No, voter apathy didn’t stop him from winning before. The voter apathy is not there in 2024 as it was in 2016.

Debates are not irrelevant. Crazy enough, some people are still undecided and for those that are and watched the debate, trump lost that debate and came off looking like a deranged psycho.


Oh, they would absolutely translate very well, that’s why the right wing section of our government are terrified of them. They have crafted this narrative that socialism is unamerican while they continue to fleece everyone of their money.

That’s true, debates are for the bases to flex on each other, but they do carry the added bonus of letting the undecided see the candidates

Absolutely and that is exactly what is happening.

That’s because money is speech. The more money you have the more advertisements you can buy. you flood the square with you message more than the other person, you make damaging statements that all see and if the other person does not have enough money to buy advertisements then those statements go unchallended and are deemed true . (oversimplification but true enough)

I would like to see someone, anyone come up with a plan to reduce the federal deficit. Where in the world can you be trillions of dollars in debt and not face an eventual day (or perhaps a generation) of reckoning? Apparently, the USA.


The federal deficit is a bit of a phantom. It’s there, but it’s not really there. It’s money we owe ourselves. I’ve read a few articles about the deficit, and basically, the US is ahead of everything (If I correctly understood what I read, and if what I read was true). If all of of the world’s debts came due at once, the US would be ahead of everyone. We borrow money to prop up our economy as well as other countries economies and other countries do the same. So, while the US borrows a lot of money, we are owed a lot more money. Consumers do that at a smaller scale. It’s kinda like what responsible people do with credit cards. A similar example would be “I can spend 20k cash on a car and own my car out right but have no more savings, or I can hold onto my pile of cash and take out a loan/credit and only pay a little bit every month and keep my fat stack of cash on hand as well as get the car I want now without blowing my wad of cash.” Countries do the same thing just on a crazy larger scale.
If the US really held that kind of debt we would be bankrupt and nobody would lend us any money. But our credit rating is golden because we pay our debts and we have that cash (Supposedly) in reserves. Paying the interest on our loans from other countries is more feasible than wiping out all of our reserves.


I don’t think that’s true. They have socialist safety nets but those scandinavian countries are free market economies. And those safety nets are kept in place with huge taxes most of the 400 million americans would never put up with because you would crush the middle class. Cost of living is significantly cheaper in nordic countries so they can take the tax hit most americans wouldn’t.

Harris has this daffy idea about a 25k housing assistance plan which sounds awesome for anyone trying to buy a house… until you realize this means realtors get to add 25k to all their fucking listings which will just compound the housing price issue lol. Then it turns into a slippery slope when the government then wants to compensate for that by then making it 30k, 40k, eventually 50k… who do you think ends up paying for that?

So this 25k plan is nonsense that’s there just to sound good but has no merit.

Common sense prevails.

I understand what you’re saying. But to make things clear, we would have to talk about what socialist means… For some is North Korea, for some is a free market democracy with more state intervention and heavy taxes, but with social benefits.
What I was trying to say is that you can have an interventionist state, pay heavy taxes, but still have a strong economy with social benefits. If it’s done well it can work, as proven by the north european countries. Of course you can do it wrong too…

More state, less state, I think both can work well if you have the key ingredient: a strong democracy.
I would also add that a strong democracy needs a more balanced society and protection of the vulnerable. Balanced doesn’t mean everyone should be a copy of the next person, live in a similar house or have the same car, we know that doesn’t work, but less disparities is a good thing and everyone should have the means to have a decent life.

Sorry if I’m not making sense but I’m not English native.


Those that only get their information from right wing propaganda networks will never understand any of what you said.

There is no other definition to socialism for them. Socialism will always mean un-American. No matter how much it helps anyone, especially the ones voting against these programs, it’s been so intensely ingrained into them at this point that they will push back and fight with all of their might to argue and vote against their best interests.

There were so many in the US pushing back against Obamacare, (the Affordable Care Act) right wing politicians, the right wing networks, their viewers, all telling straight up lies about it , that were easily disproven. Now that Obamacare is in place all of these hate mongers and self loathers don’t wanna get rid of it.

You got all these morons told to complain about the college loan forgiveness while completely ignoring the wealthy that got all of their ppp covid loans forgiven. Why? Because they are conditioned on stupidity. College loan forgiveness is “socialism” while business loan forgiveness is just “the right thing to do.”

You cant make sense of it, you cant reason with it, the best we can hope for is that the younger generations don’t tune in to the propaganda networks for the daily 2 minute hate and brainwashing, and they vote this bullshit out.

I have hopes with the younger generation. the red wave that was supposed to happen in the mid terms didn’t happen because enough young people voted against that shit. Biden got the win in 2020 because enough younger voters turned out to vote against fascism.

I think that younger generation momentum is still going because people want to see some change for the better because none of them wanna be 40 years old living at home with mom and dad, having never moved out, and right now we have so much of that shit because there is no opportunity. we have hyper capitalism that demands you be exploited or you’re not employable.

This country has been moved so far to the right that trumps neo nazi, racist, white supremacy babble has become normalized. Nobody bats an eye when he says shit like “immigrants are poisoning the blood of america” or babbles on about “the great replacement theory.” these things would NEVER be acceptable and would have never been given a platform. But now we have morons that yell “both sides should be heard” and “its just a point if view” as if these things are normal views to hold. Since when does evil have ti be given equal time?

Long story short, if given the chance, the republicans will continue to steer us into the right wing and they will brand and label anything that tries to stop it as “socialism” or “communism” (cause they’re too fucking stupid to know the difference) because the networks have conditioned us to believe socialism is bad.

Socialism is the fire department coming to put out the fire that is destroying your house. Capitalism is your insurance company denying your claim on the fire that burned your house. Which one of these scenarios do Americans like better?


The DNC’s greatest magic trick is to continually make their corporate deep state puppets appear to be virtuous, progressive, or even likeable. And posture as if they represent any real “change”.

Their horrible economy speaks for itself, but they’ll just blame all that (and everything else under the sun) on Trump and continue to pit the entire legacy media machine against him.

Camel Toe can lie and it’s virtuous. When Trump lies he’s fact checked instantly.

I wish Trump were younger and more of a firecracker still. He’s honestly a bit mellowed out.

Camel Toe will NEVER get my vote.

Ah, void, you are adorable! So much vagary in pursuit of an intelligent look.
and such a fuckin fail, Congrats that had to be the dumbest shit I’ve read all day.

I like how you have been conditioned to just say this nonsense as if it means something. No need to cite any sources, just some special knowledge that you and the other special people that are “in the know” blabber on about 'cause you have heard it enough times it must be true. “The deep state, the deep state, blah blah blah”

“Corporate deep state puppets”- no names, no specific corporations, just some shadowy figures that never come out of the parking garage and into the light. Tell us more deep throat.

“…Posture as if they represent real change.” They do represent real change. The republicans represent real cock block. Anytime the Dems try to move us forward, there are the repubs to scream fear into the air with false narratives and straight out lies.

If you just paid attention in history class, or hell just studied for yourself (go to a library that is if the right hasn’t burned all the books in them yet), you would know all of the progress dems have made for the working person. 40 hour/5 day work weeks, unions, worker safety laws, child labor laws. medicaid, medicare, FMLA, … Why am I even bothering? You don’t give a shit. It seems this bullshit is so deeply ingrained in you, facts don’t matter because, you only believe what you’ve been told to believe. “DON’T FACT CHECK ME! I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ. NO NEED TO LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN!!!”

Horrible economy…

What the actual fuck are you talking about?
As of today, stock market is up to 42k. It’s never hit that high under trump (or anyone for that matter). And the fed just dropped the interest rates.
The US never went past 8% inflation while the rest of the world averaged about 20% inflation
as far as main street goes, unemployment is down, wages are up, more job growth than the last 10 years.
The presidency has no effect on the greed of producers. Just yesterday it came out that OPEC conspired with oil refineries to keep gas prices high. Motherfuckers charging more for their shit because they can is on them, not the presidency. but even when a dem tries to bring some shit back to the people here comes the GOP to scream more fear into the air. Price gouging is already against the law but harris saying she will enforce the law is somehow horrible also. it’s fuckin pathetic.

Trump selling 100K watches, $100 Jpegs and $300 dollar sneakers and some dumb twat buying a taylor swift signed guitar for 4k only to break it, says the economy is doing just fine.

Jesus, do you actually hear yourself? What happened to personal accountability? If trump can’t stop all of these “injustices” that keep happening to him how is he going to protect anyone else? The truth is, that shit is his fault. He can’t run shit. 6 bankruptcies, A plethora of trump branded shit that lost money. His stupid truth social that will never make money, An administration with more turn over than a burger king…

He rode Obama’s economy all the way to covid. “ooh I love trumps policies Bla bla bla” More vagary. name any policy, Any policy that he put in place, that helped anyone. you can’t because there aren’t any. And that’s why that stupid phrase never goes into any depth. It’s just a way for partisans to appear reasonable so, they don’t get shamed for being partisan.

That’s because trump needs to be fact checked instantly. You’ve clearly fallen for it. You think the lies that harris tells versus the lies trump tells are the same thing? All trump does is lie. It’s a goddamn language for him now. You know he’s bad when he complains about fact checking. “Waaa, don’t fact check me, calling me out for lying is you censoring me.” Except NOPE. If he can broadcast a lie, the mods (or anyone really) can broadcast the truth. but he doesn’t want that.

Wow, so even you see the dementia taking hold of him.

Good lord, what are you, 13?
I’m sure she’s heart broken by you not voting for her. Any person who has jewish heritage but has no problem voting for the clear choice of literal nhot seas, and hollow cost deniers, and who happily bragged about being a p hed o by fucking underage groupies, as well as smears human feces on his lips, isn’t really the demographic she’s after, and may not be the smartest kid in class. After all, trump has said numerous times he loves the poorly educated… (Although, he’s kinda right to go after that demographic… Who else would send a billionaire money? just not very ethical of him.)

You know what, void, I know trump has made “facts” a dirty word for many, but you really should fact check the things you post before you post them. If you wanna be willfully stupid that is clearly your right, but do yourself a favor and don’t fuckin celebrate it openly.

Lol comrade grmp getting triggered. What’s new

It’s honestly the funniest psyop the way they prop up totally unlikeable anti charisma ghouls like Harris and Walz. Politics in this country isn’t about who’s right for the country (which right now the country needs a hard stance leader with an economic track record) it’s about who’s side can scream the loudest lol. And right now that’s the left because they totally dominate legacy media and the internet.

Just watched the VP debate and I think both of these guys are better candidates than Harris and Trump lol.

They both hammed it up which is a huge turnoff for me but at least they both came off logical, cordial, and persuasive and there was minimal bs being flung around.