the legendary album covers thread

Always found this one fascinating. Haunting even!


That’s really great.
It is almost disorienting, even.
I can’t tell whether it’s drawing me backward or forward.
And it’s one of those photos with completely neutral subject matter that has an indescribable and dull haunting darkness to its atmosphere.

I love Scorn.

And I’m glad to find out I’m not the only one. Nobody I know has even heard of them.

They are legendary. Mick Harris is a hoot.

I could talk Scorn and MJH all day…have a shit ton of stuff he is involved in…Scorn was never the same for me after Nic Bullen left but I still enjoy the output…he did a couple of overlooked albums with Eraldo Bernocchi and of course all his stuff with Bill Laswell and Wordsound…

If you like Scorn check out his one-off project on Wordsound called The Weakener…

Well, now that I’m on a death metal kick:

Well, if THAT’S the direction you want to go in…

Oh boy,here we go…hopefully nobody posts the Waco Jesus album covers…

I was wondering how long this thread would go before we got a cannibal corpse cover. There are for more grotesque album covers from CC than that butcher autopsy. The one where the lady seems to be birthing a demon from every orafice is probably the most disturbing. Thank Christ their lyrics aren’t understandable because there is no way they could compete with those covers or song titles and if they could compete… terrifying.


Scorn is fucking legend… greetings from birmingham is an all purpose album if you catch my drift

also the user aboves’ av reminds me that all ghost album covers are awesome

I was wondering how long this thread would go before we got a cannibal corpse cover. There are for more grotesque album covers from CC than that butcher autopsy. The one where the lady seems to be birthing a demon from every orafice is probably the most disturbing. Thank Christ their lyrics aren’t understandable because there is no way they could compete with those covers or song titles and if they could compete… terrifying.

For anyone repulsed by CC album covers definitely stay away from Waco Jesus…blech…

Scorn is fucking legend… greetings from birmingham is an all purpose album if you catch my drift

also the user aboves’ av reminds me that all ghost album covers are awesome

Yeah,Greetings was one of the better post-Bullen Scorn releases…you should check out the two Equations of Eternity(Harris,Laswell,Bernocchi) albums if you like Greetings…

Yeah . . . let’s not turn this into a “grossest” or “most offensive” album cover thread.

That’s just a rabbit-hole that we don’t need to go down . . . . just sayin’.

Yeah . . . let’s not turn this into a “grossest” or “most offensive” album cover thread.

That’s just a rabbit-hole that we don’t need to go down . . . . just sayin’.


Oh, Crap!

My apologies, Everyone.
I honestly thought I was posting that as a “link” and not a full-page picture.

My point was supposed to be that if we went to a grosser-than-gross theme (which I would be okay with if it’s a separate thread) we lose the point of this thread (there is no end to horrible death metal gore pics).

And I’m not including Death’s Leprosy in that same vein,either, by the way. I actually think that’s a really cool picture too (as was “Spiritual Healing”).

I could put a few Dead Kennedys albums up, but this one (a compilation of punk bands put out around 1981) really captured the prevailing political punk attitude of the time. So classic.

Oh, Crap!

My apologies, Everyone.
I honestly thought I was posting that as a “link” and not a full-page picture.

My point was supposed to be that if we went to a grosser-than-gross theme (which I would be okay with if it’s a separate thread) we lose the point of this thread (there is no end to horrible death metal gore pics).

And I’m not including Death’s Leprosy in that same vein,either, by the way. I actually think that’s a really cool picture too (as was “Spiritual Healing”).

Yeah I originally had thought of posting some of the more nauseating album covers I could think of that fall outside the metal genre - the original of Big Black’s “Headache,” and SPK’s “Meat Processing Section” single come to mind. Or there is always the work of Trevor Brown if we want “how the hell did this album get through customs” level of offensiveness that crosses several music genres.

But I wanna keep the focus as much on “edu-tainment” as possible…introducing people to things they might not have stumbled on of their own accord.

How much more black can it be? None. None more black.

There are some “offensive” or “edgy” album covers that become LEGENDARY by default, though . . .

VIRGIN KILLERS (original cover) by SCORPIONS.

Just sayin’ . . .

There are some “offensive” or “edgy” album covers that become LEGENDARY by default, though . . .

VIRGIN KILLERS (original cover) by SCORPIONS.

Just sayin’ . . .

I may as well just reprise the comment at the bottom of their ‘discogs’ profile, since I was essentially going to say the same thing:

‘Scorpions’ must hold some kind of record for the most awful album covers ever produced by one band, they are simply cringeworthy and embarrassing, check out the following covers - ‘Lovedrive’ ‘Animal Magnetism’ ‘Savage Amusement’ ‘Pure Instinct’ and ‘Love At First Sting’, even their hard core fans must find the covers embarrassing.

I haven’t seen them in the thread yet but I’m assuming everyone is familiar with these classics.

You really couldn’t go wrong with any of the first batch of bands to come from Earache Records. But I remember seeing this and just had to buy it.