the legendary album covers thread

Here’s another one that’s probably done on this board before, but which I will arrogantly declare to be 100% my idea.

Let’s use this space as the Prongs Museum of album covers that are exceptional in some way…perplexing, stomach-churning, guffaw-inducing, or “just” skillfully rendered.

In tribute to the political discussion now raging in the Controversial Opinions thread, I’ll first offer up this gem from Madison, Wisconsin’s favorite sons:

[inline killdozer_uwoautdotp.jpeg]

P.s. - if you don’t know how to add images, simply “switch to advanced editor” when posting and upload an attachment (be sure to check the ‘inline’ box to make it work, and also choose the photo frame / image icon on the editor - check ‘inline image’ instead of ‘image location’)


Because an “Album Covers” thread simply CANNOT exist without it.



And speaking of Killdozer - here is one of THE greatest album covers of all time…


Along with this one that is:



Because an “Album Covers” thread simply CANNOT exist without it.

“The Pod” also deserves special mention…I mean, among the album covers that depict usage of a “ScotchGard bong”, it’s far and away the best.

I used to have this cassette back in the day. I always thought it looked so brutal and bleak. Simple and clean, but . . . damn, I don’t know. There’s something so badass about it.

This one always seemed pretty scary too . . .





I give you… one of the only decent death metal album covers
(great album btw)

Original Type O Negative-Origin of the Feces cover…

For some reason this one has always grabbed me - might be the incongruity of the chic 1960s architectural design combined with the grinding percussive noise on the record itself.

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This one always seemed pretty scary too . . .

That was the inspiration for years of annoying in-jokes among my social circle.

Any time somebody would refuse some trivial request to another member of the group, like a spare cigarette or what have you, they’d be reminded of the consequences of breaking The Oath, accompanied by the ‘pointed finger of doom’ that you see on the cover. Maybe some one else in the group would chime in by mouthing some ‘roaring flame’ sound effects or what have you.

Sabotage album cover has been brought up here before a few times haha…don’t know if I love Bill Ward’s wife’s tights or Geezer’s cane better…great drugged out album,great drugged out album cover…

I love Sabotage too. It’s like the perfect accident. A completely beautiful train wreck.

And if I was to pick a favorite Ozzy solo album . . . I’ve always been blown away by this one. I also think it’s very underrated musically too.

Crap. I almost forgot this one . . . .

A classic example of me getting an album based solely on the artwork (and also the track titles). Fortunately, it surpassed all my expectations . . .

So glad I’m not alone on Ultimate Sin. Jake E. Lee is very much underrated.

So glad I’m not alone on Ultimate Sin. Jake E. Lee is very much underrated.

I’m not a big fan of Ultimate Sin but I always like Jake E Lee’s style…haven’t heard is Red Dragon Cartel thing but I did read about their disastrous live debut and that he was canceling a bunch of gigs they had scheduled…

For some reason this one has always grabbed me - might be the incongruity of the chic 1960s architectural design combined with the grinding percussive noise on the record itself.

Dude! My buddy Brad just played me some Esplendor Geometrico for the first time a couple weeks ago. Specifically “El Acero Del Partido/Heroe Del Trabajo” Great shit.