the legendary album covers thread

And now to mischievously steer the thread away from metal-dom, with a classic Jim Thirlwell design:

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I don’t have any tattoos, but when I’ve sat and thought about what I might possibly get that I might not get sick of or regret later, the only idea that has stuck with me over the years is taking bits and pieces off the cover of Pigface’s Gub. There is just SO MUCH AWESOME to choose from. How long do you think it took to put all that shit together?

I was just going to look for a Gub pic! Nice!
I had the t-shirt of it and made the mistake of wearing it to dinner with my sister, my mom, and my great grandmother when I was really really high.

I didn’t realize I had it on (I had a flannel over it and the shirt was open). My sis starts squinting at it and then shouts loudly to make sure the rest can hear . . . “There’s naked people on your shirt doing sex stuff!!!”

I buttoned up quickly and tried to play it cool while my sister just sat there shooting daggers with her eyes and wishing me dead.

Dude! My buddy Brad just played me some Esplendor Geometrico for the first time a couple weeks ago. Specifically “El Acero Del Partido/Heroe Del Trabajo” Great shit.

E.G. are terrific guys also, one of them runs a kickass tapas bar in Madrid, and the other is proprietor of the Geometric Records shop. Much of that so-called “power noise” / “rhythmic noise” genre, as exemplified by contemporaries like Sonar, can be traced back to them.

I think they had some minor local hits, like “Moscu esta helado [Moscow is freezing]” back when they were more of a ‘minimal synth’ act, but they really hit their stride with the more trance-inducing / steamrolling stuff

I was just going to look for a Gub pic! Nice!
I had the t-shirt of it and made the mistake of wearing it to dinner with my sister, my mom, and my great grandmother when I was really really high.

I didn’t realize I had it on (I had a flannel over it and the shirt was open). My sis starts squinting at it and then shouts loudly to make sure the rest can hear . . . “There’s naked people on your shirt doing sex stuff!!!”

I buttoned up quickly and tried to play it cool while my sister just sat there shooting daggers with her eyes and wishing me dead.


I had a Gub long sleeve shirt…a crazy ex-gf took scissors to it(along with several other shirts)after we broke up…she fucked up some of my vinyl too…I gotta give it to her,she knew how to hit me where it hurt…

I don’t have any tattoos, but when I’ve sat and thought about what I might possibly get that I might not get sick of or regret later, the only idea that has stuck with me over the years is taking bits and pieces off the cover of Pigface’s Gub. There is just SO MUCH AWESOME to choose from. How long do you think it took to put all that shit together?

Well, we’d have to get Bill Rieflin’s wife on here to join the Book Club Wives’ Club on Prongs, as she was responsible for the artwork I think.

I wish Invisible would have outsourced more work to her, honestly - after a point (I think “Notes From The Underground”), pretty much every Pigface record relied upon the same sculpture that Martin Atkins had displayed in the Invisible studio lounge - a beauty school mannequin head with its nose in a vice, surrounded by Newcastle Brown Ale caps, nun figurines etc.

I had a Gub long sleeve shirt…a crazy ex-gf took scissors to it(along with several other shirts)after we broke up…she fucked up some of my vinyl too…I gotta give it to her,she knew how to hit me where it hurt…

Nice! Sisters suck.

I don’t know when or where my Gub shirt finally died or left me. I had it for quite some time.

It was actually signed by . . . . wait for it . . . no, not Ogre, Atkins, Connelly, or any of those schlubs. It was signed by DR. DEMENTO!!! I had gone with my buddies to a big free concert at a large park (Doobie Brothers and Spirit).

Demento was a weekly feature on the particular classic rock station (97.1 KLSX) at the time, and showed up in his tie-dye shirt, tuxedo jacket, and stovepipe hat. I went over to see him and a few others had gotten fliers or tickets or something signed. I asked him to sign my shirt (there’s blank space under the design, around the belly area).

Dr. D says, “Hmmmm. Pigface, huh? Is this a band?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Oh, I’ve never heard of them. But this is certainly a deeeeeeemented shirt! Are they a demented band?”

“Oh, yes, Dr. Demento. They are definitely demented.”

In case anybody cares, Martin is [url]selling Gub shirts on his website.

NICE!!! That’s exactly the one I had!

There was another one that was really cool that some other dude’s had which was for “Welcome to Mexico, Asshole”. It was long sleeve and all up and down both arms was DRUGS . . . pills, syringes, etc. Super cool.

NICE!!! That’s exactly the one I had!

There was another one that was really cool that some other dude’s had which was for “Welcome to Mexico, Asshole”. It was long sleeve and all up and down both arms was DRUGS . . . pills, syringes, etc. Super cool.

The one with the pills and Welcome on it is the one I had that my ex cut to pieces…I loved that shirt…

Dr. D says, “Hmmmm. Pigface, huh? Is this a band?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Oh, I’ve never heard of them. But this is certainly a deeeeeeemented shirt! Are they a demented band?”

“Oh, yes, Dr. Demento. They are definitely demented.”

I can only dream now that Dr. D took you up on your recommendation, and ended up spinning the kooky, fun-loving zaniness that is the original “Suck” or Barker’s “Tailor Made” on the show, in between classics from Judy Tenuta and ‘Weird’ Al.

(and yes those are two of my favorite Pigface tracks…funny how they were often at their best when in brutally minimal mode.)

“Gub” was really, really raw. Too much, almost, for my taste. I thought things sounded a lot better on “Mexico”, actually.

If I were to make a 5 song EP, it would be something like this . . .

“Divebomber”, “Satellite”, “Stowaway”, “Hips, Tits, Lips, Power”, “Fuck It Up”.

“Gub” was really, really raw. Too much, almost, for my taste. I thought things sounded a lot better on “Mexico”, actually.

Production values notwithstanding, the “Mexico” versions of “Blood and Sand” and “Tapeworm” both do bring the rock better than the studio versions.

You were mentioning the “Mexico” long-sleeve with the drug imagery on the sleeves. I can’t be the only one who notices how Atkins, who was writing anti-some-drugs songs back when he was still ‘Brian Brain,’ recruited a very ‘drug positive’ band of people to play with. One of his signature silkscreened stage backdrops, for the ‘Phenobarb Bambalam’ gigs, was a bunch of neon-colored dancing pills…


Genius. Absolute and utter genius. Even if it’s genius by accident…

These [url]‘Worst Covers of All Time’ lists always feature a familiar favorite or two, but need to be occasionally revisited as an educational service (i.e. “what not to do” in cover design.)

I couldn’t post just one…most are at a hallucinogenic level of badness…

I had the t-shirt of it and made the mistake of wearing it to dinner with my sister, my mom, and my great grandmother when I was really really high.

I didn’t know you used to get high. I always thought yuo were an alcohol only guy.

This ozzy album cover always enthralled me as a first grader. I remember wanting to get it because it was neat and scary and my older sister saying “mom and dad won’t buy that for you and it will give you nightmares” She was right on both accounts.

This ozzy album cover always enthralled me as a first grader. I remember wanting to get it because it was neat and scary and my older sister saying “mom and dad won’t buy that for you and it will give you nightmares” She was right on both accounts.


In 1983 I went on holiday with my family to Queensland. We visited a record shop that had a host of heavy metal albums plastered all over the walls.

All the Kiss albums, Ozzy, AC DC, Judas Priest. I think my life took a serious turning point right then and there. I wanted each and every single one of them.

Needless to say my parents refused to let me even touch them and proceeded to buy me a Boney M cassette - even though I didn’t want it".

By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down…


[reply]This ozzy album cover always enthralled me as a first grader. I remember wanting to get it because it was neat and scary and my older sister saying “mom and dad won’t buy that for you and it will give you nightmares” She was right on both accounts.


In 1983 I went on holiday with my family to Queensland. We visited a record shop that had a host of heavy metal albums plastered all over the walls.

All the Kiss albums, Ozzy, AC DC, Judas Priest. I think my life took a serious turning point right then and there. I wanted each and every single one of them.

Needless to say my parents refused to let me even touch them and proceeded to buy me a Boney M cassette - even though I didn’t want it".

By the rivers of Babylon, where we sat down…

Ha Ha excellent.

Disclaimer: Sugar Ray is not a good band. (Although, I do believe they deserve some points for titling a song “Danzig Needs A Hug”)

Also, this is one of the greatest album covers ever: