Perry Ferrell loses it, tries to fight Dave Navarro on stage

I’m not sure what happens but out of nowhere, Perry just loses it.


Perry’s been drinking a lot, and I know he fucked up his voice to the point that their first show in NYC was a wash-out… abysmal… guy’s a clown.


“Perry was upset about the band’s sound levels drowning out his vocals, and that led to his assault on seemingly unsuspecting guitarist Dave Navarro. Etty Lou has complimentary words for how cooly Navarro handled the situation. On the other hand, she lays into bassist Eric Avery for “cheap shots” in allegedly putting the singer into a headlock and punching him three times.”

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We saw them down here in S Fl and they were fuckin great…they had just done a show in Tampa that was heavily criticized because Perry was fucked up and sounded like shit…but when we saw them he sounded really good…no doubt he was hitting the vino pretty hard but it didn’t affect his performance… definitely didn’t expect this onstage fiasco though…


Loses. . .not looses.

thanks. fixed.

Sad to see this going down. I really liked the single they dropped a few weeks ago. I also listened to "Strays"again today while cleaning house. It’s a damn fine album, actually their best in my book.


And earlier today, Dave posted a vague post on Instagram saying “Goodbye” with a picture of him holding a Jane’s guitar. Could be it for the band.

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Winos love thier wine, drink responsibly children.

…uncle roger.

They just cancelled the rest of the tour…glad my date was early in the tour…well,it was fun while it lasted…


So sad. I did want to go to the NYC show but decided not to go. I’ve seen them many times and from what I’ve heard/seen, I’m okay with my decision. I do wish Perry (65 yrs old) gets his shit together.

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Tickets were prohibitively expensive this tour, and on top of that, I live in NYC and I’m short, so Pier 17 is just the shittiest place to see a show for a midget like me. That having been said, I saw them many eons ago at Terminal 5, and they were incredible. When they were on, they were on; when they were off, they were terrible…

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It’s true…I’ve seen them multiple times going back to their heydey in the 90s…and when they were firing on all cylinders they were an unstoppable force but when they were off they were dismal…ive been lucky in that I’ve only seen them really suck once out of the 8 times I’ve seen them…but i have seen some video where they just couldn’t get it together…I saw Perry’s apology today and it’s just a sad ending to this reunion…I feel bad for people who had tix and got dicked over because of Perry’s nonsense…but hey,thats rock n roll…


fucking stupid. the sound levels aren’t dave’s fault. and the sound levels weren’t that bad when I could hear the road crew telling him “just fuckin stop.”

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I was under the impression that Dave was doing the band a favor by going back out on the road with them. I don’t blame Dave at all for saying fuck it. nobody should have to deal with that shit. Certainly not from some has been like ferrel.

Did perry give a reason/excuse for his bullshit?

Not yet…he just referred to “his breaking point” in rather vague terms…I would say the vino didn’t help whatever the excuse will be…he did take full accountability at least…

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I will always be thankful to Dave for suggesting and then leading the acoustic performance of “Every Day is Halloween” with Al and friends.


Perry’s wife claims that the wine bottle is more of a prop, claims they come back nearly full. Of course, that doesn’t account for what he might imbibe pre-show.

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Let me know if you want to see the rider…