Joe Rogan vs. Lydia Lunch

Have you seen this?

Unpleasant people being unpleasant.

She comes off like a pretentious underwhelming troll. I’d probably get as aggravated as he did if I had to deal with her.

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I like some of the stuff she’s done, but I get the feeling she’s like, the WORST person to have at your party.

Where’s the link?

derp. edited.

Nevermind. I found it. I’d seen it before but never knew it was Lydia. I love Joe Rogan. She’s hideous and she got totally steamrolled like a big dumb retard.

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I heard her bit on the fear power god release and she bugged the crap out of me trying so hard to be william borroughs.
I’ll peep this a little later as I’m at work right now.

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I don’t know who these people are but she just embarrassed herself for life.

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Lydia should have taken better notes . . .

there’s all around more dignity here:

there’s all around more dignity here:


She has quite a discography . . . of crap nobody’s ever heard.

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Are you trolling or are you saying you do you not actually think Teenage Jesus And The Jerks, Einsturzende Neubauten, JG Thirlwell, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Rowland S. Howard, Sonic Youth, and Exene Cervenka are noteworthy?

Frankly, I’d rather hang around with her than Joe Rogan, the personification of imbecilic fratboy culture.

Lydia Lunch is a pretentious art-school dropout twat who has superiority issues. She hangs with/fucks anyone with even a miniscule difference of intelligence than her that’s higher, and thinks it will somehow rub off on her. If she wasn’t attracted to men, she would be the atypical chunky dyke extraordinare that would probably chomp cigars and run some shitty, dingy S&M club in Hell’s Kitchen somewhere.

Case in point: anytime she talks to someone that she feels is buffoon-ish and out of sync with some ideology that she can’t extract the cum out of in some manner, like Mr. Rogan here and another level-headed target - Nardwaur the Human Serveitte (youtube their interview, he totally pisses her off because he’s like a runaway train that can flatten multiple pennies), she’s like this.

tl;dr :::
A loudmouth groupie who should stop eating and focus more on creating more boring NYC no-wave shit that she’s been making for the past twenty years that only jerkoffs who are still in mourning over Max’s Kansas City being closed down would keep buying to make her condo payments.

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Are you trolling or are you saying you do you not actually think Teenage Jesus And The Jerks, Einsturzende Neubauten, JG Thirlwell, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, Rowland S. Howard, Sonic Youth, and Exene Cervenka are noteworthy?

I find almost all of that not noteworthy at all. Besides her guest appearances on TKK and Sonic Youth, and her work with other great punk musicians of the early 80’s (I am a fan of 8 Eyed Spy and TJ & The Jerks), she can go shit in her hat.

I am curious as to how that opinion of Joe Rogan was formed, from you, though. A majority of his albums rail against bullshit “feminist” garbage like this, not to mention pro-American values with hidden racist agenda, homophobic homosexuality, etc. Essentially he’s a second-to-third rate Bill Hicks, clearly frustrated at the world we live in and especially himself…something that Lydia really needs to identify with because she’s really pretentious.

Of course, all comedians have to have dick jokes…otherwise, we’d all still be bitter at the two-drink minimum these clubs still charge!!

That was anti climatic. I was expecting much more. BOOOOOOOOOOOO
Lunch was certainly trying seem important but failed miserably.

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I don’t agree that the artists she’s worked with/hung out of are not noteworthy (at least some of them anyway) but that doesn’t necessarily mean much about her. You have to look at what exactly she did with them and when. In the No Wave “scene” if were provactive in any considerable way you could move in these circles. Now I don’t know any of her work so I’m not going to comment on that but from that video with that guy she seems like a total twat and I’d have no motive to check any of her stuff out.

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All she really does is leech onto a band who she thinks can help her get some attention. Quite a lot of influential ones, but still. She would wander around do a single with The Birthday Party, shows with Neubauten, etc. if she were as talented as she makes herself out to be, wouldn’t you think she would still be collaborating with any of those bands. All she’s good for is riding people’s coat tails. Nothing witty or creative about her. She latches on and does what she’s always done.

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My opinion of Joe Rogan was formed largely by the idiotic Man Show.

And if Bill Hicks is so awesome, how come nothing he said was ever actually funny?

I refuse to admit that he hosted the man show. That was an abomination. I like the guy, but no. The show should’ve remained over.

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