Chemlab fans

I’m a fan of Jared…here’s some demos he put up recently:

[url “”]

Yep and theyre downloadable too! Jared Louche has said there will be more to come too. As well as an album containing demos and unreleased tracks.

i thought i heard jared say that the cold waves jamie duffy show was the last chemlab show? or did he mean of the tour they are on?

i thought i heard jared say that the cold waves jamie duffy show was the last chemlab show? or did he mean of the tour they are on?

I don’t know. I don’t think he’s indicated that he’s putting Chemlab to sleep. I highly doubt it, he seems full of energy and has an upcoming album called Machine God or something like that. Also that demo compilation that I heard about. He prob just meant the show.


Just heard on Caustic’s facebook page that Jared Louche has indeed retired Chemlab. He hasn’t made it official yet though. Weird. I wonder what will happen to Machine God Down and if it will see the light of day.

The demos are cool! Honestly “Burn Out” is the only Chemlab album I really love. The follow-up didn’t have the same strength and after Dylan left it felt different.

Has anyone here heard the original Acucrack mix of Oxydizer? I never have but would be interested to hear if it is radically better than what we got.

I think you’re talking about Rock Whore vs Dance Floor? I’ve only heard a few tracks, and they were so-so. I didn’t think it was worth picking up.

I think you’re talking about Rock Whore vs Dance Floor? I’ve only heard a few tracks, and they were so-so. I didn’t think it was worth picking up.

Rock Whore was the obligatory remix album, this was different (at least according to Wikipedia which says:

Jason Novak, credited as DJ Acucrack, was responsible for the original production of Oxidizer, but according to Novak, his finished tracks were “remixed” by other producers at Louche’s behest, changing the album significantly in terms of the album’s sound, ‘sutures’ and track order by the time of its official release.[2] Novak notes that the original version of the album “reflected the proper spirit of Chemlab”, and that he did not receive proper credit on the official release, despite being responsible for the majority of the music.[3]
The original version of the Oxidizer album is now available directly from the Crack Nation website as a paid digital download.

The Crack version is better. The songs are mostly the same, with some small differences, but it flows much much better.

Jared did say that Chemlab was done at the Jamie Duffy show. He specifically stated that it was Chemlab’s last performance. Too bad. Great band that deserved to be as big as Gravity Kills. They had genuine commercial appeal without comprimising their sound.

[reply]I think you’re talking about Rock Whore vs Dance Floor? I’ve only heard a few tracks, and they were so-so. I didn’t think it was worth picking up.

Rock Whore was the obligatory remix album, this was different (at least according to Wikipedia which says:

Jason Novak, credited as DJ Acucrack, was responsible for the original production of Oxidizer, but according to Novak, his finished tracks were “remixed” by other producers at Louche’s behest, changing the album significantly in terms of the album’s sound, ‘sutures’ and track order by the time of its official release.[2] Novak notes that the original version of the album “reflected the proper spirit of Chemlab”, and that he did not receive proper credit on the official release, despite being responsible for the majority of the music.[3]
The original version of the Oxidizer album is now available directly from the Crack Nation website as a paid digital download.[/reply]

Oh! I remember hearing something about the original version. I’ve never heard it myself. Checked out Crack Nation and it’s only 5 bucks. Hmmm I’m tempted… maybe. Demoniod would’ve surely had it.

Jared did say that Chemlab was done at the Jamie Duffy show. He specifically stated that it was Chemlab’s last performance. Too bad. Great band that deserved to be as big as Gravity Kills. They had genuine commercial appeal without comprimising their sound.

Gravity Kills sucks balls. East Side Militia had a mainstream sound. Certainly just as commercial sounding as some of the big names like KMFDM and MInistry.

Saw Gravity Kills on one of those Pigaface tours and yes they were dreadful…


Was never much of a fan of Chemlab…apart from about a six month period back in 2001 when I was going through a “cyberpunk” phase and listening to heaps of ebm industrial.

I bought Burn Out At The Hydrogen Bar, listened to it religously over those six months, then put it on the shelf and forgot about it entirely.

Revisited Chemlab several years later and found them unlistenable. Turned it off after 10 minutes. Go figure.

when I was going through a “cyberpunk” phase and listening to heaps of ebm industrial.


When I hear the word cyberpunk I think of this

Chemlab’s cyberpunk I guess. Minus the cheese of most “cyberpunk” groups.

I was going through a “cyberpunk” phase

I absolutely adore cyber punk. Not those cartoon characters that Xtra posted but the real genre of cyber punk. Technology run afoul creating a nasty dystopia. Ala the movie “Hardware,” “Robocop,” the show based on the character in the Pepsi commercials “Max Headroom” and to some extent “Strange Days” “A.I.” and “The Matrix”

I absolutely adore H.R. Giger Art as well as pictures like these that are absolutely terrifyingly beautiful to me.


I can appreciate the cyberpunk genre. I’m more into Sci-fi/futurism. THX 1138, Terminator, Star Trek that kind of stuff. I guess in a way that’s cyberpunk too but not really.

H.R. Giger is a freak! I love his work. It’s almost always sexual in nature and mechanic. Sick stuff. Here’s some of my favs

Biomechanoid No 99

Landscape XIX

Max Headroom was Coke, not Pepsi.
And I recommend checking out his short lived TV show. It was ahead of its time.

Max Headroom was Coke, not Pepsi.
And I recommend checking out his short lived TV show. It was ahead of its time.

You’re right “ccccccccccatch the wave… coke” but I did watch the show…

That’s why I listed it above

the show based on the character in the [strike]Pepsi[/strike] coke commercials “Max Headroom”


If we are talking Cyberpunk we can’t forget the novels of William Gibson…

If we are talking Cyberpunk we can’t forget the novels of William Gibson…

I’ve never read cyberpunk but I’m certainly interested and I’m seriously considering neuromancer. I understand that gibson created the genre.

I’m a little bummed that steampunk is starting to be big cause that’s one genre that’s is completey silly to me… but whatev.