Chemlab fans

As silly as the “steampunk” scene is, some of those people go to major great lengths to make that stuff a reality…even if it does go way too far.

Oh, and the Bioshock games are awesome. Shadowrun too. Not that we are talking video games but…they are cyberpunk/steampunk

Gibson didn’t create the genre, but he was part of the first generation.

I also recommend Bruce Sterling’s “Schismatrix Plus,” Rudy Rucker’s “Ware Tetralogy,” and (if you can find a copy) the “Mirrorshades” anthology. The best next-gen cyberpunk author is undoubtedly Neal Stephensen. Start with “Snow Crash” and go from there.

As silly as the “steampunk” scene is, some of those people go to major great lengths to make that stuff a reality…even if it does go way too far.

Oh, and the Bioshock games are awesome. Shadowrun too. Not that we are talking video games but…they are cyberpunk/steampunk

I played the first 2 bioshock games and the screen shots for the 3rd were waaay to steam punky for me so I didn’t even bother picking it up. Never heard of shadowrun. For a moment I read “shadowan” and thought that game was all voodoo not cyber punk at all. Is shadow run a console game or pc?

Gibson didn’t create the genre, but he was part of the first generation.

I also recommend Bruce Sterling’s “Schismatrix Plus,” Rudy Rucker’s “Ware Tetralogy,” and (if you can find a copy) the “Mirrorshades” anthology. The best next-gen cyberpunk author is undoubtedly Neal Stephensen. Start with “Snow Crash” and go from there.

Thanks for the suggestions. I’m in a reading mood. My wife made me read the hunger games trilogy so ill be looking for something else to read after my lst 100 pages of mockingjay.

Never heard of shadowrun. For a moment I read “shadowan” and thought that game was all voodoo not cyber punk at all. Is shadow run a console game or pc?

Shadowrun is old OLD school, point and click game actually, but it’s fun as hell. You totally get submerged into that world. It was a game for the Sega/SNES but probably best played on an emulator these days because the cursor with a D-pad was annoying as hell. Very fun.

It was re-done as a FPS with RPG-ish elements a few years back as a PC/360 game, but it’s very loosely based on the series. It got a lot of lukewarm reviews, but the game has a rabid cult following…people are always on Live playing it to this day, in droves. You can get it for probably five bucks used if you look around stores, but it’s definitely worth the price.

Cool. Thanks for te heads up

Shadowrun was originally a pen and paper roleplaying game. I enjoyed it back in High School. Never played the video game, if I ever see it I’ll snag it for sure.