Bad trader alert

I know there are some traders/collectors on prongs so consider this fair warning.

There is an individual named Eric Torres aka Rick Tores, Jane Washere, Jane Nakashima, Al Davidson, Steve Lars, talena mogo and more. Eric Torres uses fake broken English and has a constantly changing story. It’s like communicating with a brain addled 3 year old. He operates out of a PO Box in Phoenix Arizona but tries to cheat you online first. The first test trade will go fine and then as soon as he has your stuff, he’s gone and you never here from him again. He may pop up as one of his many alias’ and try it again. He has ripped off a number of people. Under no circumstance should this individual be trusted.

I should have ran like the devil was on my ass but I have a family member gravely ill and wasn’t thinking straight.

Torres is also known as users slars101, manasama as well as MaRi on prongs. They are completely fake accounts used in the past to troll for more victims.

Typical email addresses used are

There are likely more.

I think I got approached for a trade by her once. Had a few shows on her list that seemed too good to be true and seemed pretty sketchy.

Weird that there are still bad traders out there. It was different when people would procrastinate on something that took effort like dubbing cassettes. But not that it’s all digital, that’s pretty rotten.

I unfortunately have dealt with this person. It started out exactly as you described. I traded a couple song of the week mp3s with “Jane” who then informed me that “Rick” had two unicorn 1982 video shows, one opening for Depeche Mode and the other A Flock of Seaguls. It seemed too good to be true.

I offered what I thought was a reasonable trade, and he/she got furious with me because I suggested that he/she trade first or at least prove that they had access to these shows.

I got several hate emails by no more than 3 personalities…Jane, Rick and “someone” claiming to be a record company representative that can buy out any Arista era material that he/she wishes. It got really crazy really fast. It was clearly coming from the same person…broken English, no punctuation and ALL CAPS every other sentence.

It was such a bad experience that I only trade with folks here on prongs. Everyone here is very kind, generous and thankfully sane.

Long story short, just ask around here on Prongs, you can almost always find what you’re looking for.

That sucks. sorry you had a bad experience.

i really know the person name Jane but not really 100% & i have traded only 1 video show from her & to tell you the truth… it really does exist but like i said i only traded 1 show i still talk to her up to this day. well lets play the game called (who is full of crap) #1 is Bisquitodoom the point of his story is her shows are too good to be true…

really odoom? & your Ministry stories also sound to good to be true the way you make it sound like is this "i knew a guy,i knew a guy,i knew a guy,i knew a guy,i knew a guy,i knew a guy so after 1 trillion people you had to talk to THEN you got your Ministry thing…
repeat that just non-stop on all of your stories

& i know THIS FIGHT from day 1 she did came forward to you & your reaction was very shocking that you never replied back. why did you do that? with the stories you gave us it sounds like you will never leave till you get it right?

as for dmagic the guy that is such a major FANBOY to ministry & that will buy just about anything with ministry name on.
your really not that innocent Magic the way ive seen the emails that she sent me it was like, this magic wanted some songs he never had. just like WAIT & other songs.

then one day he decided TO CHEAT HER 1.Misfits '82 - Urge to runaway & some 1982 soundboard version Magic NEVER gave it to her. maybe 7 songs she sent him but never those 2 from him.

& its a big load of crap what magic said that she didn’t want to go first you claim? NO not true she did went first many many times but you magic NO YOU DID NOT SEND THEM

that the music thing is true but maybe not that other stuff because truesounds in the FB world is known to be a evil snake that cheats people & sadly the person that posted this with false information on Jane he met this evil cruel snake name truesounds true it was not on FB but haha now he changes his name for some reason… here he is

haha he now goes by this name sorry to be a fuck but jane really only did 1 trade with some 1999 show, that you cut out 2 encore songs for an odd reason she mention the others that you guys like… but only 1 EXIST GREG!!!

did you know that i got this info from the snake himself laughing his butt off at you im sorry you got taken but why mention jane WHEN IT WAS CLEAR THAT THE SNAKE MENTION ME TO YOU with the only copy to exist in the world. & you hated jane KNOWING you got your show and i believe you confirmed it was legit. bisquit also has it with those sketchy ministry stories that he knows 1000 folks that has a certain ministry show.

anyway his new name is
so tell me this greg why now change your name??
why delete yourself knowing that other folks should mail you the experience you had with them?? well should you be the one to pass the message but you delete your name why?? what else are you hiding from this truth?

is it because Jane never got her 5 shows she just mention to you NOT TRADED but mention & she did mention to you with ONLY RARE MINISTRY SHOWS. shit your list had it why not her??
you demanded the shows with nothing to offer & you got no replies from her is that the reason greg?? you got upset??
well you spread her with bad shit ill do it too
got cheated around 40 ministry shows 8-DVD 5 each disc but 1 disc with 3 shows in it.

my name is steve lars was mention to ME by the evil devil snake that can careless if you will die tomorrow with cancer, greg was also mention to another person that screw jane to and thats the other email… was told to do an only rare ministry trade show so he refuse because i guess he didnt have anything. so take her name off but keep the other 2.


Makes sense.
Thanks for clearing that up.

Gee, I wonder if he’s involved somehow?

Yes, indeed I am ministry_trader. And you are indeed Eric Torres. The only one here not telling the truth is you.

If you want proof I sent my shows and you received them here you go -

And it’s on now bitch.

Oh, and the least you can do is get my trading page right. Let me help you -

Yes, indeed I am ministry_trader. And you are indeed Eric Torres. The only one here not telling the truth is you.

If you want proof I sent my shows and you received them here you go - [url “”]

And it’s on now bitch.

Oh, and the least you can do is get my trading page right. Let me help you - [url “”]

I don’t want bad stuff to happen to any of my homies, but part of me wishes Grumpy had tried to trade with this cat so we could see the flames of justice blaze brightly again.

I don’t want bad stuff to happen to any of my homies, but part of me wishes Grumpy had tried to trade with this cat so we could see the flames of justice blaze brightly again.

grmps is at least epic in his rants. Torres’ own rants while lengthy, his 2nd grade education comes shining through. I do have to admit his Jane Nakashima alias was freaking awesome in it’s insanity.

Damn prologue that sucks you got burned. Funny he followed you over here (he did follow you over here? Truth be told i stopped reading about the 7th or 8th paragraph in becauseas as you said that 2nd grade education just reads as a bunch of word salad- side note i try to read everybodys posts no matter how long just because i do post some awesomely long posts)
What a reject thinking he/she could come here with absolutely no crediblity, no background and think he she could poke holes in our friend’s credibility!
Your politics suck prologue but i consider you a friend after this long on the board i’d still buy ya a beer. [:)]
Fuck this wrinkly nut sack! He’ll/she’ll get his/hers

Torres, who is the evil devil snake? I thought I was the snake? Is there more than one evil devil snake? Or am I Rick Tores ( now? I’m confused.

You might be interested know to I’ve also been contacted by others you’ve torched. You’re apparently quite the legend in the Phoenix area. According to one of the folks, the Phoenix police are looking for you too.


Fight all ya want about silly ideological differences, musical tastes, politics, whatever . . . it’s all just fun online.

But start running shady ripoff schemes and stealing crap from people . . . I don’t care what your religion, education, nationality, political persuasion, or favorite breakfast cereal is . . . . you’re a piece of crap. Plain and simple.

The whole thing weirds me out on an almost comical extreme too, though.

I mean . . . all this to get random bootleg show copies and such? I mean, it seems like a lot of work for something with so little to none actual payoff.

What? The person is some rabid completist psycho fan? Okay, that’s all good. Just work with people and be straight up with what you want and are looking for. Plenty with similar interests and pursuits are glad to help out. I give crap away all the time just because it doesn’t mean much to me and I’d rather someone have it that would appreciate it. I’m glad to just get rid of it and if it costs me $5 to ship it, whatever.

But running some weird ass long con to get a stack of recorded CDR’s and such . . . . what the French, Toast?

The thing is if he would have simply asked politely, instead of this nutty web of lies, I may have just sent him the shows gratis.

Torres has gone off the deep end that his Jane Nakashima alias was completely outed and his whole story went poof. He must have been really proud of Nakashima considering “Steve Lars’” reaction. His Al Davidson alias tripped him up. I can only imagine how many more alias’ he has.

There is much more to the story that I haven’t posted.

now you decided to go back to your real name why did you change it to began with?

i never did really made a cheer that you got scam so you can keep on hating the only reason why you came out with your prong’s name now because i got you in the corner and ive seen you before long time ago and lots of people know who you are…
so is that why you decided to come out greg acting tough with the cops or some crap

Torres, if you would have asked nicely, you’d probably have gotten what you wanted without any trouble at all and your insane number of alias would have lived on. But you didn’t. You had to rip me off, and a bunch of other folks.

You outed yourself you simpleton. One too many alias. You should have never used Al Davidson.

However, can you please explain your evil devil snake bit? It’s way too confusing.

As far as the police go, you’d have to ask the Dell consultant who contacted me. I don’t know what you did with him but he is ROYALLY pissed at you.

In regards to “ministry_trader”, I simply wanted to keep my trading separate from my posting. Everyone who responded prior to me posting as my usual self, I PM’d and let them know who it was. And that son, is the truth.

Keep sporting that 2nd grade education. I’m sure you must be very proud of it. First in your family to get that far?

what a joke you are. you do know this is not the person that rip you off and your insults are so stupid really you need to grow up son
and please go check your eye sight

well im going to move on with my life i might come back on here time to time. i have seen all of you guys before 1002 ive heard your music its great keep up the great work from you know who.
greg get your facts right the name is lars not torres.
2nd grade education haha how funny and you still cant tell by my name

& the Dell company is mad at me?? sure they are i dont own them money if their are mad i dont think its ministry shows greg!! so you have never answer my question why you never came out as greg in the first place is it because you think you can beat me down with the prong gang because you need help to win?