in the future, it would make more sense for people to speak plainly and simply.seems like a lot of people get lazy. i spent many days away from the family, have many friends who offfer these books, and this one kicks ass.
maybe i’m a language junkie.
Fuck you.
misuse of the word “myself”.
i just moved so i don’t have the thing in front of me. but basically how even well known journalists will say shit like,"blah and myself were debating…"no. it would be “blah and I”. how much easier than that? if it sounds right in your head. what i took away from that book was how people strain to sound correct.
does not take that much work.
language is a way of expressing oneself. if one uses grammar that is not correct based on some old ruleset because it allows them to express themselves in a way that brings the point across, i dont see anything wrong with the english language ‘changing’.
define “ruleset” for me and look at george orwell’s VERY OLD essay "Politics and the English Language."as a highschool student, it opened my eyes.
i don’t see anything wrong with the language changing, either. but make it constructive not destructive.
(wait. maybe I should be soliciting those university peeps…)
It was a joke based on jizzwad’s post.
Anyone familiar with E-prime? Its a style of writing that tries to eliminate all forms of to be/is. Interesting stuff. I’ve always liked the Burroughsian idea of language as a virus that needs to change, adapt, and replicate.
Here’s the link to wikipedia’s article on E-Prime.
E-prime’s a good one. thanks!
anybody else have a beef with the word “robust” used to describe the economy and just about any other lazy journalist’s topic of the day–“recipe for the day: ribeye steak with robust mushroom sauce.”
makes me laugh every time. probably a product of some texan like karen hughes or karl rove. latch onto those old school sentiments, and we all forget the monthly bank balances.
except that reviews aren’t supposed to be objective…
unless it is the redundancy of the phrase that annoys you (like using the phrase “i think that…” in a philosophy paper).
define “ruleset” for me and look at george orwell’s VERY OLD essay "Politics and the English Language."as a highschool student, it opened my eyes.
i don’t see anything wrong with the language changing, either. but make it constructive not destructive.
I completely agree, sir!!
DERP ,derp,derp, derp,derp