Tool / fear inocolum

Ok, time to talk about the elephant in the room. (It’s probably just my elephant, but still.)

I’ve been listening to the new Tool since Saturday and I have to say that despite initial misgivings, I’m liking it more and more. Granted, I’m a diehard fan and will forgive the band a lot of their transgressions. Hell, if this album were released by any other band than Tool, I probably wouldn’t have even made it all the way through without putting on another record (preferably something by Tool).

That having been said, if you give it a couple of listens, some really cool details begin to emerge. All of the songs are very loooong but no matter how much they meander, they always come back to a riff or a beat or a lick that establishes itself as a motif. For people who like puzzles and intricate albums (I’m thinking Floyd fans, for sure), “Fear Inoculum” is going to be an embarrassment of riches.

I also got the physical copy today. Comes with a small screen and a speaker and a means of charging the whole friggin’ thing… I’m a little worried it might give me cancer. Just sayin’.

Any thoughts? Anyone else into it / heard it / doesn’t like it?

I’m waiting for my physical copy to come in before I check it out, so I can get the full immersive experience. I think I’m more excited for the unique packaging than the album itself.

I got about 4 songs in on the drive to work this morning. I’d already heard the title track.

It’s very Tool. The musicianship is top notch. Production is clean and crisp.

And yet, it’s all kinda blah. Not bad, per se, just blah.

That’s pretty much how I’ve felt about the last two Tool releases. I kinda prefer Puscifer at this point.

I got most of the way through it. My first impression is that it’s redundant and uninspired. All the songs sound the same and any of them could have been on 10,000 Days. I think it’s the last or second to last song I liked the most. The only one where Maynard doesn’t sound disengaged from the rest of the band. I’m gonna listen to it again because I’m still shocked there’s not a single Maynard scream or howl. I like Aenima and parts of Lateralus and 10,000, but I’ll always yearn for that grittiness I hear on Undertow.

I like Tool quite a bit. That being said, what I’ve heard so far seems to be more 10,000 days rather than say Lateralus and I’m left with the thought that we’ve waited more than a decade for this? Nothing bad but as others have said, it seems uninspired. I’ll have to listen more but yeah…

At first I felt the way you guys felt – that it was too long, uninspired, just meh. Stick with it. It’s a grower. On, like, the 5th listen, it suddenly blossomed open for me, and now I can’t stop listening to it.

I’ll listen again later on this evening and open a bottle of Chimay “Blue”. Maybe that will help… So far, the pieces just don’t quite fit for me.

I have on Lateralus on now. It’s not that I dislike Fear, but their is no comparison for me.

I’ll definitely listen again later for sure.

I see what you did there.

i want this album, but either i’m a dumbass (completely possible) or it says the CDs at amazon are $212.

what the fuck is going on here?

I saw that too. Barnes & Nobles might get more in stock…44.00 bucks!

maybe they’ve sold out, and all it’s showing are the chump asses that raise their price until they restock.

Yeah, good old capitalists at work here.

Almost certainly.
I’m sure there’ll be another pressing of it sooner rather than later.

Yeah, I asked a dude at Amoeba and he said they were going to release a “regular” version CD soon.

When you heard Pneuma or Invincible, you guys honestly thought it was blah? I’ve not heard it all but damn, those are some great (long) songs with above average lyrics and great riffs. A lot of this music was written years back, too… 7empest is a solid track from Jones. Drumming is phenomenal too…

I’ve had a chance to give Fear a few good listens. My impressions are - Danny Carey. Let me re-emphasize that one more time - Danny F’ing Carey. I also love Adam Jones’s guitar tone. Always have, probably always will. The musicianship and recording are as usual per Tool, outstanding.

A couple tunes are solid, Pneuma and 7empest come to mind. Interestingly if you listen to Pneuma closely, you can hear a lot of recycled riffs. Most of it is too long for it’s own good and I like prog rock. Some just meanders on and on in an almost dare I say Phish like manner. I think they spent too much time screwing around trying to be “perfect” and left the roast in the oven a bit too long. Fear is not a bad album by any means but it isn’t as great as their other material.

i sure want to buy this CD. I’ve listened to it on amazon music but I still enjoy owning my music. it’s stupid, and I suppose I should get over that.

edit: what i’ve heard this far is good. they have their sound. there’s no doubt. it’s a good one though. all the pieces are great together. danny is a great drummer. they’re all great. i’m glad the guitarist keeps he stuff pretty simple. i don’t typically enjoy jerk-off weird time signatures and shit like that. just to be weird, but they’re good at it.

  1. There’s nothing stupid with owning your own music. It’s nice to do the favor to both artists and record stores, but beyond that, collecting albums is a hobby I hope to enjoy for the rest of my life. (Sometimes the thousands of CDs I have feels like a lodestone, true, but most of the time I’m glad I have them.)

  2. The album keeps getting better and better for me. I’ve been trying really hard to not binge-listen because I know I’ll get tired of it. That makes the times I do listen to it more meaningful. While not “Lateralus,” it’s better than “10,000 Days” – although I agree with most that the album sags a bit in the middle and could have used a trim. Tally-ho!

Hope you can find a copy of the deluxe CD - I don’t collect much physical media anymore, but a box set that plays a music video when you open it is a pretty cool nicknack to have.