The New Axis powers?

I grew up believing that the USA was a force for good in the world - despite our flaws and occasional mistakes. What we witnessed yesterday from the Oval Office was appalling. Yes, there has likely been some waste and missteps with the significant $$$ in foreign aid over the past three years, but the facts are painfully clear regarding who is the aggressor. I never thought the USA could turn into the “bad guy” on the world stage, but it seems to be happening rather quickly right in front of us. The new administration talks about the need for “diplomacy” to bring about a peaceful resolution. They don’t have a clue.

“1980s were run by a person who’s crazy…just like you…”

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Yeah, it was pretty embarrassing.


Fuckin shit show…


But you have a nice ocean, and we Europeans, don’t

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It’s hard to understand why the current administration would choose to align with a relatively broken oligarchy when there’s really no upside. The EU and UK have a combined GNP that’s about 10 times greater than that of Russia.

What’s the underlying reason for sucking up to Russia?


Trump only responds to people he perceives to be more powerful than himself – he divides people into two groups, those who can be exploited and those who can’t. The man is a monster.

Yes, there has likely been some waste and missteps with the significant $$$ in foreign aid over the past three years.

Nope! Call me a partisan hack if you want, but unless you have a actual proof of significant money actually being wasted, all that statement is is posturing by the GOP, and I refuse to give the GOP the benefit of the doubt on anything. As far as I’m concerned all that statement is is another way to say “both sides,” and both sides are NOT the same.
The GOP hasn’t done ANYTHING for America except tell bald face lies, steal and start wars.

Trump is aligning himself with putin because he owes putin (russia) money, putin has something he wants or putin has some embarrassing shit on him (the epstien tapes maybe) which he is threatening to release if trump doesn’t play ball.

funny how we don’t hear shit about eggs and gas now that trump is in office. probably because they’ve gotten more expensive.

This is who we are now. I doubt there will be mid terms. If there is, it’s not going to go the way people want since he’s put his own people in charge of the elections. I imagine if there are elections, it will just be for show to kick more dems out of office. If dems win his people will say there were “voting irregularities” and overturn the vote. The shit’s fuckin over. The country has fallen. the population doesn’t know it yet.


Trump is also a narcissist and will put his own personal vendettas ahead of anything else including the country. Putin knows this, and Trump is playing right into his hands. The fact that Trump was name dropping Hunter Biden and Hilary Clinton in the Oval Office over events that happened in 2016 shows how bitter and misinformed he is.

He’s a sore winner. It’s like he resents having had to put in the work to actually run for President. I don’t even know why he wants the job, other than to bail himself out of some potentially damaging law suits. Read his body language: 90% of the time he looks either bored or uncomfortable, with his shoulders slumped and his hands dangling between his legs.

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You’re probably right. We are living through history. I find myself forced to take a back seat to everything that’s happening, prop my feet up, and eat some popcorn. This feeling occurs, I’d say, 90 times a day. Resisting it is hard. I have so much Trump fatigue.

What’s the underlying reason for sucking up to Russia?

You have to go back to 2016 to answer this. In that election, it was proven that Trump’s team met with Russian officials, proven that Russia hacked US Government databases and then leaked Hillary’s emails. If you read between the lines, there was clearly a handshake agreement in place. You get Trump elected, and the favor(s) will be returned. Trump has essentially let Putin do what he wanted and stayed out of his way. Trump leaves office and Putin gets aggressive as he no longer was pacified by the Trump administration. What we are seeing play out is exactly this. The favor is being called in by Putin.


I also think that Trump wants to ally himself with people who won’t say know as he pushes authoritarianism further. Europe would say no if he decides to do something like take Greenland by force, Russia would say “We don’t want it. Go for it.”

It’s a dark timeline we’re living in. I have to limit how much I engage with news because it’s detrimental to my health to get too obsessed


I honestly think he wants Greenland because his advisors have convinced him he could ride out a nuclear war or devastating plague there. Or a violent purge of the government that sends him running for his life. (Nice, but unlikely.)

I think Zelenskyy should sell all those minerals Trump wants to the Chinese. The money will flow right in.

This doesn’t end well until Trump dies of natural causes. Until then, there probably won’t be any more elections. I don’t want him assassinated – he’d become a martyr. He has to either eat too many Big Macs or lose an election.

Goddamnit, didn’t anyone in DC read Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar” growing up? Don’t they know how this ends?

Exactly. I used to be a news hound, but I can’t do it anymore I get anxiety and depressed.

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This doesn’t end well until Trump dies of natural causes.

Nope, 45 is a dumb son of a bitch, He’s literally a spoiled child that is manipulated by those around him. first and foremost, Stephen Miller has to go. He is literally a white supremacist. A literal jwsh not see, who hides behind his heritage as if he’s doing nothing wrong. When he’s called out for it he plays the “how dare you say that, My ancestors Bla Bla Bla” Card. Sean hannity has to go, steve bannon has to go. All these dickheads who successfully executed a coup on the us. All of his enablers, those are the real power brokers. 45 is too fuckin dumb to come up with this shit on his own. They tell him to go outside and play and he does and they fuck everything up. Meanwhile real people are really suffering because of these fucking terrorists that call themselves “patriots” are in charge and will stay in charge.

I’ve noticed that a lot of the older people in my neighborhood who rely on medicare and social security have ditched their trump flags , but unfortunately it’s too late, the gop ain’t ever leaving power, and they are going to keep making paupers out of everyone. These dumb fuckers that voted gop wanted revenge on everyone they thought were getting something they weren’t and they were so hypnotized by media they never stopped to consider what they stood to lose. Dumb ass motherfuckers. Greedy self indulgent fucking people who had everything handed to them but bitch and moan about “entitlements” for other people. they get what they deserve. it’s just bullshit they took everyone else down with them. but what should one expect from a narcissist generation? I keep telling my parents their generation didn’t die off fast enough and now we’re fucked!

Another disgusting display tonight. The collapse continues. . .


Guy… we’ve been the bad guys since day 1 lol. We inherited that European colonialism/enterprising mindset. Now that in itself isn’t evil if you just established fair trade instead of grossly extorting lesser cultures.

Today it’s mostly fueled by the industrial complex and the American people usually get psyoped into supporting wars like this Ukraine bullshit the Dems propagandized.

To stop a war. How is this a mystery to you? You liberals love seeing sinister alliances in things that are just simply mutually beneficial and temporary.

Anyway I think this election was one of those damned if you do damned if you don’t kinda things. Under this two party bullshit system it’s always a distinct possibility you get two stinkers as your only options in a no win situation. If you can tell me with a straight face that Biden or Harris were better options youre either incompetent or lying lol.

Trump was probably the lesser of the two evils but not by much. His tariff wars will be a nightmare. And who knows how much damage this doge shit does. We’re in uncharted territory.

I think Biden/Harris were a better option than Trump. And I’m not lying and… I’m incompetent? In what? Forming an opinion? I can see why you don’t like the democrats (I’m with you in the two party bullshit) but thinking that Trump is better… Have you seen the guy talking? Maybe you like proto dictators. If you like that kind of thing, ok, it’s a good choice I guess…