the legendary album covers thread

[reply][reply]That Elvis cover is both funny and sad.

I thought it was a joke at first, but I know that is a real album (just never saw the cover). It’s incredible.[/reply]

Elvis looks like he’s squeezing one out…[/reply]

Exactly why it’s funny and sad. That’s how he died…

Elvis is squeezing one out . . . as he himself is being sprayed into existence by a can of Lysol.

Elvis looks like he’s squeezing one out…

Or he’s just eaten one of these:


During the last two or three years of his life, Elvis ate one of these “sandwiches” as a late night “snack” - washed down with an entire bottle of pepsi.

Probably why he lasted only another two or three years.

That or the fact he was addicted to liquid cocaine.

Fat, stoned, rich beyond belief, shoving sandwiches down my gullet, and taking a big 'ol crap.

That’s EXACTLY how I want to die.

Elvis porn:


Elvis looks like he’s squeezing one out…

Or he’s just eaten one of these:


During the last two or three years of his life, Elvis ate one of these “sandwiches” as a late night “snack” - washed down with an entire bottle of pepsi.[/reply]
Is that a peanut butter and jelly and bacon sandwich?

I think that’s his lower intestine. Post mortem.

Is that a peanut butter and jelly and bacon sandwich?

Yes it is, Grmpy. Yes it is.

And this is a picture of a girl kissing an octopus:



Is that a peanut butter and jelly and bacon sandwich?

Yes it is, Grmpy. Yes it is.

And this is a picture of a girl kissing an octopus:



Pretty tame by Japanese standards…


Bow Wow Wow

Was she legal at that point?^

Ah, nothing beats a good “huh? what?” album cover to rejuvenate my flagging spirits. Here, treat yourself to a [url]freakin’ rhino bustin’ out of a freakin’ train tunnel for no apparent reason.

And while we’re at it…yet another [url]genius Tourniquet album cover led to peals of laughter, that prompted many concerned “dude, you should lay off the weed” comments. I could say the same of this cover’s graphic designer…

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That Tourniquet one is indeed an abortion.

Some more horrible metal art failures that I’d seen recently . . . .

I used to become nauseous by this RATT cover but the above actually make it seem worthy of hanging on my wall.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That Tourniquet one is indeed an abortion.

That greenish…thing…must sound like ‘Starscream’ from the old Transformers cartoon if it’s capable of speaking. And surely all its communication consists of insane shrieks and cackles.

And so many “good” covers in that recent bunch, where to even start!

At the very least, I have to ‘see you’ and ‘raise you’ a [url]NARITA album cover by RIOT. I…I…I just don’t get it. Who…? What??? (scratches head furiously)…


Andrew “Nurse With Wound” Liles

The master of awesome.


Was she legal at that point?^

Nope, she was only 14.

Ok…this cover just may be evidence of an almighty god. As well as being the graphic I want painted on the side of my rockin’ panel van:

I mean COME ON. It’s SANTA CLAUS with a FUCKING SWORD fighting a FUCKING DRAGON. You need to use scientific notation just to quantify the levels of “epic” and “awesome.”

Santa looks like he’s about to get gobbled up. In fact, he looks so old and fat that he can’t even wield the sword! This album cover makes me wanna wear a yamika and celebrate Chaunakah.

And yes, I hacked a loogie as I typed that for proper pronunciation.