Wow this justin beaver (sp?) kid’s performance is making tiffany lyrics seem like poetry

“i’m like baby, baby, baby, OOOHHHH”

Oh give him a break he’s 16!

Watching someone highlight their past while pretending to try and erase it is truly one of the most bizarre things to witness. I wonder if DJ is more embarrassed about his love of Justin Bieber than he is about his racism.

Nope. You are. He’s merely pointing out that you are

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DJ the odds aren’t in your favor when you make a comment like that…you have literally spent months if not a year or 2 now doing this whole shtick of yours…clearly you are the one making a long drawn out deal about this…Gunnar is just commenting on the lunacy of it all…you do see that right? C’mon man,you haven’t completely lost touch with reality,right? Right?

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I think the last two years of his behavior answer this question for him.

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Your way of making fun of gunnar?
What does that even mean? Including yourself You have a fan of 1 here. I would say hurry up with your project but we all know you’re not leaving even when you do.

How does it feel to know that youre everything i guessed you were?

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I realize we’re the center of DJ’s universe, but elevating Grumpy to Jesus status seems a bit excessive.


I kinda like it. Thanks.

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Uuuhh…derrrrrr…what’s it like…muhhhhh…being uuuhh…Plato…flrrrrr… Yeah I got nothing to work with.

You never do, do ya?

I think you lost this. Thought id save it for ya.