RIP Steve Albini

That seems weird to me that that dude would be back on the internet after just being let out of jail for his antics on the internet…

I wonder if who ever wrote that article just copied that trolls name or if it really was him. I would think terms of probation and such.

Also, I looked up that peter guy on Wiki and he seems to be trying to be a modern day Marquis de sade, right down to his adjectives for the horrifying, and I as I got down to the end sure enough he cites De Sade a main influence. just seems to me he decided to copy Marquis de sade as a way to call attention to himself. Especially with him and his magazine at the height of child molestation panic in the 80s. Although that doesn’t take away from his assholeness, just kinda adds another layer to it. I’m also surprised he got so little time for his crime considering the crime and the soc ial climate when it happened.

BUT @supermanic before you go destroying your collection maybe put in some more studying and decide what you think is true because the wiki page said something different. I’m sure there are other links to articles out there on the situation.

According to peter soto’s wiki page albini said

On another occasion, he wrote:

"Peter Sotos is a lovely fellow whom I trust implicitly, despite his writing evoking a truly primal disgust in me."[14]

One more Also. Considering the content, how can that guy’s Pure zine be considered a “collector’s Item” and not contra ban?

Wasn’t Sotos arrested in the 80s for some depraved shit involving kids?

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He was arrested for putting an image from child porn on the cover of an issue of his 'zine.

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He was literally the first person in the US to be arrested for CP.

For me the Albini tour quote about how 99% of porn does nothing for him but CP really gets him going is the one that sounds like more than just him trying to appear edge lordy. It seems like a true expression of what he was into.

Playing devil’s advocate here because i literally just learned of all of this from this thread…

but did albini really say that? does that type of quote appear anywhere else other than some guy’s zine from the 80s? And if it does is it new? Or was it sourced from the original zine?

Pretty sick shit regardless

I mean I read the quote decades ago. I do not have the original zine so I only read the quote online but Albini never disputed the quote was his despite it being widely circulated, so I doubt it’s faked. I think dude was into CP at at least one part of his life. That’s the most reasonable assessment.

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Man,this thread took a dark turn…

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that’s a reasonable assessment, I’d say.

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Okay. So new info brought up.

Now who’s gonna tell me the forced exposure article is “fake.”

And people can pull the “he’s trying to be edgy, punk…etc.”

But what actual, good person, would pose as someone that supports children fucking?!!!

Rapeman… think he was just a fan of the name? Cause it’s edgy?

My older sister’s ex boyfriend (a full blown satanist and hard drug user) was good friends with Sotos.

They met each other when my sisters’s ex interviewed Sotos for a Finnish music magazine here called Inferno.

I believe he traveled to Chicago at one point and was an assistant to Sotos during a spoken word presentation.

I haven’t spoken to the guy in years as he put my family through a lot of grief, but I do remember him playing me some of Sotos’ audio collage stuff, which was mostly interviews with children who had been sexually assaulted.

I don’t know about Albini as I was never really into his music (I think I have one Shellac cd) but from the little I have read, it wouldn’t surprise me.

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I don’t really know much of Albini other than he was a behind the scenes name connected with bands. I think I had heard he would charge a flat 50k fee to mix albums for bands, which I thought was cool since most people who do that sort of thing take a percentage of the sales, which is bullshit because they had nothing to do with the creation of the music. I knew he produced or engineered a couple nirvana albums but that is all I know about any specific work he has done. This thread is the most I’ve ever known about him.