Return of Barker (so to speak)

i agree, very well put.

He may realise the value of the material, but maybe he’s just sick of hearing about Ministry. Like fish said, he doesn’t have any ties to them any more… He’s moved on and is doing his own thing… If he’s happy, I have no problem with it.

I still don’t care if lorah or whatever else is re-issued… if ws-psalm all got re-issued with bonus tracks… well just bundle the bonus’s together on one cd, I’d buy that. Then again, that would mean less $$ for al & co I suppose… or arista or warner or whoever owns all that stuff. Either way, we’re not gonna see it happen,
A. no one involved seems interested
B. Ministry, afaik, aren’t that popular… why would a label (aside from 13th planet), invest in re-releasing all those albums… oh yeah,RykoDisc [:P]

Making a ‘song of the week’ available for purchase from the official site would be a better idea… provided it was quality stuff, not just endless live version of J1F or Thieves…

and why does everyone want it remastered anyway, yes i understand, its out of print in the states and probably everywhere else now… so what, there are so many copies out there that are in great condition… and usually pretty cheap too… does it really matter if its printed in the states or in germany or france?

enough ranting…

All I care about is that SOMEONE better rerelease “Age of Reason” and “Chicks and Speed: Futurism.”
Paul has always been my favorite Ministry man.

Can usually pick those up pretty cheap on Ebay… I got the two EPs and the full length really cheap all on vinyl and still sealed… postage cost more than the LPs did, lol! But thats because I"m from OZ… if you lived in the states could probably get them dirt cheap. I have seen the cds on there too, havnt gotten around to getting them yet.

Can usually pick those up pretty cheap on Ebay… I got the two EPs and the full length really cheap all on vinyl and still sealed… postage cost more than the LPs did, lol! But thats because I"m from OZ… if you lived in the states could probably get them dirt cheap. I have seen the cds on there too, havnt gotten around to getting them yet.

Righteously so.

And you’re all wrong.

I get where you’re coming from and all, but really, who’s right? No one is.

I don’t know if Warner is the reason the album is getting held back. I really don’t. But if he’s saying that now, about why should he re-release it and this and that, it could be one of two things: he’s either purposely avoiding the question, or he’s being completely serious. There was once a lot of red tape involved with it, at least a few years back. I don’t know if that’s still the case now.

Seriously, U.S.S.A. isn’t the greatest thing I’ve ever heard. The new Ministry/Revco songs aren’t, either. But let’s face it - Al and Paul aren’t going to work together again. Ever. As depressing as that may be to some, there’s still going to be an occasional tune out of one of their acts that I will enjoy and that’s fine with me. I have other music to seek out…

B. Ministry, afaik, aren’t that popular… why would a label (aside from 13th planet), invest in re-releasing all those albums… oh yeah,RykoDisc [:P]

Oddly enough, Warner owns Rykodisc now. You’d figure they’d put the two and two together to re-release LORAH. But maybe there’s other reasons? Again, like I stated before this reply, above.

so what, there are so many copies out there that are in great condition… and usually pretty cheap too… does it really matter if its printed in the states or in germany or france?

Germany. And it’s about money and availability. You can’t go into a retail store and buy it easily. You can get it easily online, but for Tommy Twoteeth in Nowheresville, North Carolina (hey I lived there once!) he’s kinda SOL.

oh yeah, me young whippersnapper neglecting those without internet access. Lol… crazy 21st century… why doesnt everyone have the internet in their brains yet? [:P] Nothing would ever get done.