Paul D'Amour of Tool joins Ministry

I never got to see them play with Mayorga, but I thought that was a cool add and was hoping to witness it. But, as per usual, it lasted about 8.7 minutes before they were on to someone else.

I follow Roy Mayorga on Instagram and wow - he’s heavy into the modular synth stuff and it’s a delight to see.

Oh, wow! I would have never guessed it. That’s super cool.

Mayorgas performance with Ministry at Wacken was awesome and so are his Ministry drum cam videos, I wish he was still around. Both him and Jason Christopher played a lot on AmeriKKKant but I don’t think they were used for the promo videos.

I thought Jason Christopher was a total douchebag and groaned when he joined Ministry. But he played great and had an amazing stage presence, so I really don’t care how much of a raging chode he is on Instagram or in real life.

I don’t care for left handed people. And Jason does seem like a Fucking cunt.

I’d love to love on his woman though.

Anyways… I came here to drop a bit of Knowledge: you know how Paul got the gig? Him and Al share the same fucking dentist!!! Wahahaha!!! (From Paul’s mouth).

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