This was assembled a little after the death of friend, composer and professional nomad Zbigniew Karkowski, who was a major if reluctant influence on much speaker-shredding sound of today. Everyone on there has worked with or collaborated with him personally, myself included. Plenty more names could have been brought into the fold, but as it stands it is already a very good representation of heavy hitters in the genre - Daniel Menche, Merzbow (recording with Zbigniew as MAZK), Peter Rehberg, etc. etc.
There’s links on the SONM page to distributors carrying that item, if anyone (Peligro or Voidhead, I guess) are interested. Otherwise PM me and I’ll arrange to send you a copy at a “Prongs” discount.
Thanks for your attention; now back to the still-unfolding saga of the white coofin guitar.
Sounds interesting. I guess you have to register to listen to samples. I’m not too savy on the Noise genre, is it similar to Musique Concrete?
^ Try also, I’m pretty sure they have the same material up there.
I would say there’s a definite influence of musique concrete on what us weirdos are doing, particularly the whole idea of “schizophonia” that Pierre Schaeffer developed: obscuring what the source of a sound is in order to free up the imagination, basically.
Everybody in that milieu seems to have different influences, but it seems like the most prevalent combo since the 80s has been Industrial culture mixed in with, again, musique concrete or “acousmatic” music.
When I’m working in that mode, what I aim to do is not the full-on blasting power electronics but kind of a psychedelic sound art where that blasting is only one component. I just enjoy the freedom of working with the whole sonic spectrum, from whispers to roars.