I think these releases complete the catalog on vinyl, so I’m pretty excited about that. I’m going to take a guess that “Houses” has the revised version of No W, without the original samples. Was that the only thing changed on that album?
I doubt they’ll release a version with the original samples again. They had to change it because Carl Orff’s estate is very litigious against samples of “Carmina Burana,” which is why you can’t get the original version of KMFDM’s “Leibesleid” or Apoptygma Berzerk’s “Love Never Dies” anymore either.
So hang onto that original CD pressing!
The only other difference was the “hidden” tracks. The newer version had Bloodlines on it, right? I don’t know how they’ll do that on vinyl.
I think it technically completes the catalogue, but in my experience, The Last Sucker is so rare on vinyl that they might as well reissue it too. I’ve never been able to find one.
Ah, that’s right. I do remember Bloodlines being tacked on somewhere. The song is pretty long, being a “So What” clone and all, so probably not going to be on the vinyl version.
The Last Sucker was tricky to get a hold of. I think 500 copies were pressed? So yeah, they should definitely re-issue it. Hopefully they keep the holo-cover and pop up sleeve. Not one my favorite albums, but the packaging is awesome.
Not sure I understand at all why they chose those colors, except maybe Sphinctour. At least the cover is blue-black. Animositisomina should be orange! shrug…
But I would want Animositisomina of all of them. It’s the most “punk rock” sounding with those treble levels all over the place plus the Magazine cover. And “Impossible”!
Maybe the repress can be orange to make it easier to distinguish them.
Ouch, they should get on fixing that. I plan on picking these up eventually, since I have everything else on vinyl. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll keep my eye out for the corrected version.