This fucking scene from Terminator.
She has no clue what is going on or about the Terminator and she is scared of Reese. The use of slow motion is perfect, first when she ducks near the beginning and the Terminator just misses seeing her and then in that fucking awesome sequence where the Terminator spots her, the music makes an ominous shift, Terminator walks through the crowd toward her and pulls out the gun, and all she can do is just stare back in disbelief as that laser sight appears on her head. So much tension in this scene, always stood out to me since I first saw the movie.
This fucking scene from Terminator.
She has no clue what is going on or about the Terminator and she is scared of Reese. The use of slow motion is perfect, first when she ducks near the beginning and the Terminator just misses seeing her and then in that fucking awesome sequence where the Terminator spots her, the music makes an ominous shift, Terminator walks through the crowd toward her and pulls out the gun, and all she can do is just stare back in disbelief as that laser sight appears on her head. So much tension in this scene, always stood out to me since I first saw the movie.
At about the 15 or 16 second mark you can see the fence that ministry used in their Mind tour.[:)]