Megadeth Drummer & Guitarist quit

Why is no one talking about Marty Friedman?
How much cash do we have to dangle in front of him to pry him away from whatever teenage girl in a Sailor Moon outfit he’s poking tonight anyway?

Kinda surprised I haven’t seen his name myself. I’m definitely not opposed to it. I may have seen a headline saying Nick Menza is interested in returning as well.

I don’t really care if he hates doing it. Just pay him and make him do it.

I don’t really care if he hates doing it. Just pay him and make him do it.

Could be cool, i can’t remember if someone already posted about Nick Menza also not ruling it out…

It would be sweet to have Marty & Nick back.

Was there ever a final word on Friedman?

Megadeath is another great band that should retire…I’d say about 6 or 7 years ago would’ve been the perfect final Goodbye.

Mustaine & Ellefson have an exceptional discography under their belt…best to let it resonate for eternity, yeah?! Why perpetuate something that’s already finished?

Don’t be a damn fool like Uncle Short-Bus & retire 12Xs but have 35 reunions cuz da Well keeps drying up. Be a trooper boys & go out with a bang!

Or keep getting nubies to replace the line-up 50Xs over like Ministry to only end up with the most generic musicians possible. Aaron Rossi & Sin Quirin are the absolute bottom of the barrel.
Talk about tacky poser metal-heads, boy…dees 2 dickwads take the cake.


How much crap can be on the bottom of the barrell, folks, before it piles ip to the top?

I saw an article the other day about how [url]faith has renewed the partnership between the two Daves.

Absolutely the gayest thing I’ve ever read.

“Preaching Is My Business, and Business Is Good.”