Lee Popa's Ministry / KJ / KMFDM Memorabilia

Today, Lee Popa posted on Facebook that he’d like to sell some of his Ministry / Killing Joke / KMFDM memorabilia. He posted it in the Wax Trax Chicago group, but asked people to PM him on his [url https://www.facebook.com/lee.popa.56?fref=ts]personal FB page.

I inquired about the Ministry stuff, and he sent me a pic of tour laminates, itineraries and other stuff. Says he has a cassette demo of “Cold Life” even.

Figured maybe some of you guys would be interested in this.

Thanks! I PMd him. I’ll get whatever I can. And obviously share what I get.

Thanks! I PMd him. I’ll get whatever I can. And obviously share what I get.

Exciting stuff! Bisquit- I’m definitely interested in contributing. I sent you a PM.

I’m kinda curious as to what KMFDM stuff he has. I actually deactivated my account and don’t really feel like going back on right now.

Does he have any pieces of unusable tape that may or may not contain some old music on them that I can buy for $20,000.00?