Hopium for the Masses

Damn, ministry hasn’t had any good merch for over 15 years now. I think the REVCO tour was the last time it was any good. Do you have a pics of the merch booth?
… Maybe the new album has a psychedelic feel to it.

Yeah, all the new merch is gross.

It just popped up at the Ministry official store…it’s all pretty hideous…

The zip up hoodie is ok. and the thumb design of the tie dye is ok, but the tie dye is not ok

“Goddamn White Trash” worked better for me after a few spins - while not watching the video. At this rate, I might even end up… liking it? Yes, that’s quite possible.


I like the tye dye - it’s unexpected.
The workshirt is cool too, but I wouldn’t spend that much on it.

Someone has to I guess…
Tie Dye plus Ministry is a no go for me…leave that shit for Phish or some bullshit…
Not digging the merch but I’m gonna give the album a chance like always…sure liked alot Amerikkant better than Moral Hygiene…

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Just Stop Oil is out on YouTube

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I like it.

White people disparaging themselves is all the rage with the lefties these days. I’m not even white and i find it quite amusing :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I’m pretty sure civilization would more or less grind to a halt and we’d be thrust back into the dark ages if we suddenly ‘Just Stopped Oil’ tomorrow.

Like, does this dude actually believe the lopsided shit he spits out. Or is it all just one endless echo chamber of college campus mumbo jumbo?

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It’s already on Spotify.
I don’t care for it.

Well, it’s the best of these new songs. Still not very good though.


Not feeling it…

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is that photo shopped?
is he having the forehead tattoo removed?
no moe dreds?

Like a lot of Ministry songs over the past few years I doubt I’ll ever want to hear this more than once. It’s sad because there’s a lot of older musicians who still do music I love, but Al just isn’t one of them. Wish it weren’t so, but here we are.

Also, how did he ever think he could do a song about big dick energy that would ever be one one hundredth as good as Latto’s “Big Energy”?

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Pretty sure it’s legit, they showed it on one of cEvin Key’s Patreon streams and cEv said it was a legit photo.

that really tight shot makes him look a little like danny trejo

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