Hello again! Where is Afra?

Hey all! Back again. Not sure if i ever really left. I see things here haven’t changed much. Where is Afra? I need a word with him…


He shows up (posts) very sparsely. You might try emailing him from the main prongs.org page. welcome back.

GRUMPY! HOLY CRAP! Good to see you, old friend! How’s it shaking?

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It’s going ok. The board has slowed down a lot. I’m not sure if you had left already but we had it confirmed that Peligro, was essentially every person on the board from Australia, so there went half our numbers there. Then Carmangary changed his name to djPony and slowly started spouting racist garbage for which most of the board was not on board with, and let him know this. So, he threw a tantrum and spent like 3 years deleting every post he ever made, meanwhile continuing to post reminders to everybody (Either Pms or straight out on the board) about how he had left forever and was never coming back and then after about 20 minutes or so he’d delete that post. He comes back as baulparker to post bullshit, and it’s fun for me to call him “not voidhead,”
Then there was one other dude who was here originally as decay something, who would try to stir up shit so he kept getting his ass handed to him by those of us who were left. So, he goes away, but then comes back every few months under a different name to try to start shit again. Right now he’s calling himself “hedburg.” Which is genius as far as he’s concerned because he generally spouts antisemitic bullshit. So, the fact he’s assumed a very stereotypical Jewish name means that this can’t possibly be him under a new name :roll_eyes: and he’s fooling everyone!

It sucks, between him and Gary, they kinda ran most of the people who remained off after all of Australia left. So, it’s really like a dedicated core of maybe 6 of us who post pretty “regularly.”

Hasn’t all been bad, Voidhead learned how to play instruments and write songs, pretty decently, and ended up on tour opening for Ministry a few years back. But even void doesn’t post anymore unless it’s as BaulParker (even though we all know it’s gary :wink:)
That about sums up everything on the board.
Me personally, just livin’, doing my job, doing husband shit and raising kids. What’ve you been up to?

Is void still doing that rap metal shit? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

So in other long winded words I’m still here judging and handing out sentences, you know, “clicking my heels”.

Hedburg…thats hedberg to you sir.

“Click” “click”.

Wow. Alright then. I’m just working and going to as many shows as I can. I’ve seen Ministry 3x in the last year. Nothing much has changed with me. I finally got sober. That changed a lot of shit. Been toying around making my own music for a minute but nothing serious. That’s pretty much what i had suspected about peligro anyways. Hedburg is a funny name to me because it always reminds me of that movie Hedburg and The Angry Inch. :laughing:

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Thats hedberg to you sir.

I’ll say what I want, how I want hedpe. :laughing:

Despite the lack of regular members, grumpy, it seems this board doesn’t change that much.

So yeah… how about that new Revenge mix Al graced us with for a few shows?

I didn’t know that was a thing you struggled with, but congratulations. Aside from positively affecting your mental health, it probably freed up a few dollars for you to see a ton of shows.

Yeah, there’s always one who pretends to be many.
and they never have any normal goals. They’re just attention starved, sad little people. They pretend to be edgy and amused by their sad shit, but we all know they’re unhappy with their life. Anyway, whatever.

Yeah, I dug it. I’m not a really big fan of early ministry but of the 2 oldies he’s retooled I’ve really liked 'em. The Acoustic everyday and now Revenge. I was kinda disappointed he didn’t play it at the zombie show I went to, but meh, the rest of the set was good.

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Still here and not drunk!