Happy New Year 2021!

Can’t be too much of an asshole if he admitted it and took blame, right?

Why would you do that? what’s your thought process on that? That’s a tremendous amount of faith in the system. I can already see the late night commercials… “Did you or a loved one get seriously hurt or die from taking the covid 19 vaccine? If so our law offices…”

My thoughts on not wanting to take it right away are that I think it hasn’t been vetted yet. Who knows what worse symptom will present itself. How often do we hear/see medicine commercials where the side effects are worse than the problem? This thing won’t even be on the market long enough to know what the side effects are… I’m not signing up to be a guinea pig.

You’re a braver person than I

Didnt apologize. So, asshole in my mind. This complex couldve gotten alot more ugly because of his fucking error. Its bad enough our taxes are paying for the scum that lives on the second floor…

I believe in science. If it’s good enough for doctors, nurses and other front line workers, then I’m fine with it.

So how long are you going to wait? 6 months? A year? 2 years? You’re just going to hide in your house for years waiting for it to be “vetted”?

I’m not brave. I also get the flu shot so I don’t get the flu.

I believe in science, too. Which is why I’m not on board with this roll out. They’ve cut so many corners and skipped so many steps, that there’s no way that this can end well.

Full disclosure, I have the luxury of having a bonafide scientist in the family. My sister is a full on white coat, lab, research scientist. She has several accolades for her work on Alzheimer’s (her and her lab partner found anomalies in the cells or something along those lines- protein coats or something like that) She told me and my parents that under no circumstances do we get the shot when it comes out because of how many corners they have cut.

She’s not an anti vaxxer or anything like that. She just knows, like many research scientists, this is a sloppy rush job. If you notice there’s nothing being said about the people who are making these vaccines taking them. Pfizer is pushing it but that’s the company not the scientists/biologists that work for them.

(My sister didn’t say this next part or even hint at it- It’s just my belief) I firmly believe our front line workers are being experimented on. Aside from the doctors and nurses all other frontline workers are disposable/replaceable. But history shows us our leaders don’t give a fuck about first responders and our heroes. Look how they treat the 9/11 responders.

That’s a good question… I don’t know how long I plan on waiting. I guess until my sister gives the all clear or the science community at large gives the all clear (cause right now it’s just the drug businesses giving the all clear and why wouldn’t they? they stand to make global amounts of cash). I don’t plan on hiding out in the house but I’ll probably still wear a mask for a while.

Funny story about the flu shot… I never get the flu or the flu shot. EVER. One year early on when I was dating my now wife, her mom, who was an MA talked me into getting the flu shot. I was against it but did it anyway. Oh my god never again! I was so fuckin’ sick with both ends of my body violently ejecting abnormally colored liquids!! :nauseated_face: I’ve been told that the flu shot is not able to give anyone the flu because it’s a dead strain, but I don’t know if I believe that. I’d never had the flu before that shot, and I’ve never had the flu after that shot (knock on wood). So I avoid seasonal flu shots like the plague.

When and if it becomes mandatory for events and/or travel I’ll finally cave in and do it . . . assuming I see such opportunities (travel, concerts, etc.) in front o fme.

Right now I’m taking active measures against a KNOWN threat (one that, while I’d like to avoid catching, I’m not excessively in fear of anyway) to minimize exposure. I work from home, my wife and I keep to ourselves, and we mask up whenever going out to stores and such.

I know the variables right now and while I know there’s a chance I COULD still get the virus, I am totally okay taking my chances either way.
If I can avoid injecting an UNKNOWN variable into my body, I’m going to avoid that . . . . or at least delay it to the extent I reasonably can.

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This is exactly how I feel about all of it…


Those are my sentiments exactly, gunnar. Try not to go out but if i do, I mask up. Knowing covid is a threat is way better than putting an unknown “cure” into your system.

For the record, I’ve gotten both of my shots and as of tomorrow, will be 100% vaccinated! Yay!

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Yeah, I’m so sick of all this shit. I’m getting dose #2 in the morning.
Put the fucking Lysol in me. I don’t give a fuck, haha.
I’m gonna see Danzig do LUCIFUGE in concert in August followed by Mercyful Fate the next day. I’ll take a goddamned Chlorine enema if that’s what it takes.
I’m kind of tired of seeing everyone’s posts about getting a shot.
It just feels like we’ve turned into a bunch of 4 year olds throughout all this.

Fine, I got the damned shot.
At least I can go back to pissing on my hands and eating out of the garbage now.

I’m gonna have to go ahead a s get my shots as well…mostly just because I’m getting pestered to death about it from my family and GF…god damn I’m tired of hearing about it…

I got the pfizer in Feb and the follow up in March. I had zero side effects from both. So, I guess I’m good.

I would love to see Danzig do Lucifuge but I ain’t going to some damn festival. Dammit Danzig, do concerts like a normal established rock god and leave the festivals to the up and comers that need exposure.

Maybe We’ll get a Pomona show. :crossed_fingers:

@grmpysmrf Hahaha. Ok, so wait. . .after all your “I don’t trust the vaccine” bullshit, you actually signed up pretty early and got it? Wow.

I’ll wait for him to chime in, but I’m thinking it might have even been a mandate . . . or at least a strong “suggestion” from his work.

I thought I wrote about this here. As I said before, my sister is a Micro biologist scientist. She was the one telling me not to get it early on. Telling me and my parents actually not to get it because word 'round the science community was the different pharma companies, were cutting corners to be the first to get it out, but I guess by february the literature starting coming out and hitting the journals and it turns out that was all bullshit (which happens quite often by the way- science is crazy cut throat that way), and according to her, the science is solid.

According to the journals she keeps up with There was no corner cutting at all, and the reason this came out so quickly is because they ushered these vaccines to the front of the FDA line, where normally they’d have to wait at the back of the line for years, but their trials took the same amount of time as any vaccine would… give or take. She said they were a little speedy getting to the human trials but not too fast and I guess some of the petri dish trials (or whatever it is they do before it gets to humans- she just said some of the pre trials) are redundant and are done for the sake of redundancy (I’m paraphrasing here and probably poorly, she speaks in science jargon which I don’t always get.) So unless they lied about their numbers and printed bullshit it’s all clear.

Also, I guess they didn’t even use Covid in some of the vaccines. So, there is no live or dead covid strain in I think the Pfizer vaccine. the vaccine is basically information from covid that tells you body how to fight it if it shows up (Although some of the vaccines do have Material from covid to help cells recognize covid if it shows up -I didn’t really understand the difference between “proteins” and “materials” ) but crispr (That gene editing shit I’ve been creaming my pants over for like a year now) was used in the vaccine which is cool.

Anyway I just gave her the question “Would you get it?” and she said yes. So, that was good enough for me.

I’m positive I wrote all of this already on here right after (or before ) I got the first shot. If It wasn’t so late I’d go looking for it (I’m back on campus now with some students). but yeah, totally retracting what I posted from before… I would swear I did though already.

@Gunnar No my work (or even the state) isn’t mandating it or even “strongly suggesting” us to get it but that doesn’t mean they won’t in the future and I figured might as well get it sooner in case I do get side effects because I might as well fight them off while on distance learning instead of waiting for summer an blowing a couple vacation days.

Ok. Thanks for sharing. I don’t think you wrote about it here before. If so, I missed it then.

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