Fifth Path magazine

This guy posted the complete series of this proto-neofolk/goth/industrial 'zine from the early '90s. I’m not sure there’s anything directly Ministry related in it (there might be, I haven’t read them all) but there’s certainly a lot of material about bands that get discussed here a lot. And it’s a neat time capsule from that period in musical history.

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Thanks for that link, btw…I have those issues, but it’s nice to have electronic copies without having to scan them myself. There were very few places to read about a lot of those bands and topics back then, but The Fifth Path was definitely one of the best sources. The politics could be a little sketchy sometimes, but you knew that went with the territory.

Another really great magazine from that time period covering similar territory was called Eskhatos, and was published by a friend of mine. I don’t think it made it beyond a couple of issues, but it was really fantastic. Probably even harder to find nowadays than The Fifth Path, but worth seeking out.


The politics could be a little sketchy sometimes, but you knew that went with the territory.

I was sitting here perking up at the mention of sketchy politics, thinking “yeah I bet there’s cover stories on Boyd Rice and Rozz Williams”…and sure enough, there are! My Bachelor of Liberal Arts degree (with emphasis in Gothick and Industrial Studies), is being put to good use.

I am not sure if the 'zines they had up are even available for download anymore, since the download host they used was Megaupload (r.i.p.), but the [url]Small Print Press blog was an excellent source for seeing just how much stuff was out there 'zine-wise, especially on the European side. So if nothing else it’s a good shopping list for things to find elsewhere.

If anyone reading speaks German (full-blooded or no), the “S.I.A.M. [Society for Industrial Arts and Music] Letter” featured on there is a really top notch one. I always liked these 'zines that tried to link the music to other ongoing cultural developments and crisis situations, rather than just covering the music as if it was the only thing that really mattered.

Thanks for that link, btw…I have those issues, but it’s nice to have electronic copies without having to scan them myself. There were very few places to read about a lot of those bands and topics back then, but The Fifth Path was definitely one of the best sources. The politics could be a little sketchy sometimes, but you knew that went with the territory.

Another really great magazine from that time period covering similar territory was called Eskhatos, and was published by a friend of mine. I don’t think it made it beyond a couple of issues, but it was really fantastic. Probably even harder to find nowadays than The Fifth Path, but worth seeking out.


Yeah, the interviewers sometimes seem to be trying to goad the artists into saying how awesome Nazis are. I wonder if they ever grew out of their Nazi/satan/Manson phase.

Yeah, the interviewers sometimes seem to be trying to goad the artists into saying how awesome Nazis are. I wonder if they ever grew out of their Nazi/satan/Manson phase.

I would hope so. Sooner or later everyone has to mature and realize that the Chaos Gods who inhabit the Immaterium are the real forces worth worshipping. I am planning a new 'zine now in which I force industrial avant-garde musicians to profess their undying devotion to Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch and Khorne.

Yeah, the interviewers sometimes seem to be trying to goad the artists into saying how awesome Nazis are. I wonder if they ever grew out of their Nazi/satan/Manson phase.

In this case, they (the editor) died before that could ever happen.

It’s funny, because looking at this magazine now it all seems to predictable…you can pretty much guess there’s going to be some mention of Varg Vikernes, Anton LaVey, James Mason, Boyd Rice, etc. without even looking at the covers, because it’s all been done to death by every Johan-come-lately crypto-occult-fascist ever at this point. But at that time, this was it. This magazine (and a few other publications at the time) was among the first to link all these ideas together…it hadn’t yet become a stale neofolk cartoon stereotype.

Those were the days, I suppose.


i found that copy with rozz williaMS

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its issue 2, emptying out my friends home in norther calif and found this issue,

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I’d forgotten I posted this thread.
Good that you found a hard copy, because it looks like the link I originally posted is dead.