Episode VII

i enjoyed it. i saw it in 3d. went by myself. had fun.

The gum was terrible.
It was usually so dry that if you weren’t careful when biting into it, it would carve up the inside of your mouth with the hard knife edges.

And you’d chew it first like you were breaking up a piece of tile. Then after soaking up enough spit and breaking down the slab you’d have a small wad of gum that tasted like . . . sugar and plastic. If you did happen to think that was an amazing taste, too bad, that flavor is going to be completely gone in about 4.3 seconds.

I also always hated when one of the cards would have a gum stain on it. It was always on the one card you actually wanted to get.

Hahaha so true about the stained card…I remember that happening numerous times…I think the only other gum that had less staying power was Fruit Stripe…the flavor disappeared so quick…but at least the flavor was awesome for those quick couple of seconds you tasted it…

…I think the only other gum that had less staying power was Fruit Stripe…the flavor disappeared so quick…but at least the flavor was awesome for those quick couple of seconds you tasted it…

I understand crack is also like this

I think the only other gum that had less staying power was Fruit Stripe…the flavor disappeared so quick…but at least the flavor was awesome for those quick couple of seconds you tasted it…

Spot on! Fortunately, it comes in a giant pack of like 15-20 pieces or something. When I feel like being a baller, I’ll just start chewing and piece and add a new one every minute or so to keep the flavor going . . . until I’m chewing on a big ass wad. Or, if I feel like being ritzy I’ll chew a piece, spit it out, grab a new one.

But yeah, excellent taste . . . . for about as long as it takes light to cross the room.

But you also get the press on tattoo!!!

But you also get the press on tattoo!!!

Damn! I forgot about that.
I think we can unanimously declare FRUIT STRIPE as the official most punk rock gum.

Honorable mentions to . . . .


BLACK BLACK - With its “HI-TECHNICAL EXCELLENT TASTE AND FLAVOR” it’s impossible to find a more black gum. There is none. None more black.

It could have taken the punk rock title for both its awesomeness and its obsolescence. “Man, back in my day, gum MEANT SOMETHING!!!”

It gets disqualified though, because, unlike most punks, IT WORKS.

Holy shit,GATORGUM!!!

They discontinued that stuff…I loved it…[:(]

I bet Danzig eats Black Black gum.

Holy shit,GATORGUM!!!

They discontinued that stuff…I loved it…[:(]

It seems to resurface every 10 years or so, though I don’t know when the last time I found it was. I looked it up on Amazon to see if it was alive again, but it ain’t. They’re trying to push some crappy knockoff called “Quench” on us. Screw that.

Doh! Looks like early 2000’s were the last time it lived. I remember being so stoked when I saw it came back in the 90’s. Guess I should have bought a couple pallets.

I wonder what it’s going for on Ebay . . .


Yes, Nerds. I’ve hijacked your thread to talk about gum.
Go cry in your LEGOS!

Anyway, regarding my love of Gatorgum . . . I must admit I never loved it THIS much:


I forgot about gatorgum but I liked it too. I love Gatorade by the way. There is almost always a bottle of orange Gatorade in my fridge.

I’m a big fan of Gatorade too.
And I also tend to stick with the big three . . . orange, red, green. I really dig FIERCE MELON when I can find it, though.

Yes, Nerds. I’ve hijacked your thread to talk about gum.
Go cry in your LEGOS!

Anyway, regarding my love of Gatorgum . . . I must admit I never loved it THIS much:


It would appear nobody loves gatorgum that much.

I love how there’s not even an option to submit a best offer. I’d love to buy it for $90, but this dude is like, “NO! FULL PRICE!!!”

I love how there’s not even an option to submit a best offer. I’d love to buy it for $90, but this dude is like, “NO! FULL PRICE!!!”

Looks fake, too. Didnt Fleer make that gum? and instead of Fleer it’s “Swell?” HA HA!!

[reply]I love how there’s not even an option to submit a best offer. I’d love to buy it for $90, but this dude is like, “NO! FULL PRICE!!!”

Looks fake, too. Didnt Fleer make that gum? and instead of Fleer it’s “Swell?” HA HA!![/reply]

I can’t remember which was first, but both companies had contracts to make it at some time. I kind of think Swell was the original and then Fleer.