Coffee anyone.................?

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I think he got the idea from martin. Martin’s been selling coffee for a couple years now off of his site.

The last bastion of irrelevance. . .selling branded coffee.


Agree …I cringe every time I see a band get in to the coffee market.

So lame…


the descendents could pull that off. they’ve been singing about coffee for 40 years. They were playing the long game to not look like sellouts. LOL


Warning the Basemaster General has determined that coffee is good for your health

Doug is bouncing off the walls
Ray is drooling big spit balls
Feeling cranky, logged all night

Kids on coffee

Where’s my Bonus Cup?
Come on man, fill me up
I need some Krappers to wash it down

Kids on coffee

Kids on coffee

Went driving down to San Diego
Passing by the nuclear tits
Go away off my earth!

Kids on coffee!

Thanks to modern chemistry, sleeping is now optional.

They actually have song called coffee mug. that they released in the 90s