"60 Days In" on A&E

Total shit show. I’ll try to stick with it for the sake of this conversation, but there’s other, much better stuff to be watching these days.

Dude, EVERYTHING is better. That’s why I CAN’T give up. I feel quite elite witnessing this apocalyptic toilet fire of a TV show. If it wasn’t in the deepest anals (not a typo) of deep cable, it would get some sort of recognition or award probably for being such an absolute mess.

I mean, I used to watch “Small Wonder” for crying out loud. That shit is fucking Emmy Gold compared to this monolithic megadump.

I’d count how many sharks it’s jumped, but I honestly can’t count to infinity. Every episode gets worse than its predecessor. It’s impressive, really. And, besides, it’s the only thing I have to talk about on the Internet aside from Danzig.

They could legit bring a guy in next week dressed as a tree to go undercover and walk around the junkie forest and it wouldn’t even phase me. I’ll just be like, “Well, yeah, OF COURSE we needed a guy in a tree suit.” And that same tree-wearing motherfucker would then go the to strip club and tell everyone he’s actually a youth pastor and they should come to his sermon on saying “no” to drugs. God help us all. This show is the four horsemen leading us all into the final days of our total demise. I honestly don’t see how shit can get worse . . . and yet, I also know with full confidence that it WILL.

I wanna see more masked wanderers cutting through the trailer park…staged or not,I don’t care…

They’re called WALKERS.
You know . . . because they paint their faces.
Get a clue, Brah!


They have really squandered what was originally a great premise.

Something to keep in mind, for the uninitiated. And I think I mentioned this somewhere here before. . .

In order for your image to be used in a show, you have to sign an appearance release. Keep that in mind as you watch this show. So, my 2 big issues. . . They go to that guys house to raid it, and he walks out. You’ll notice his face is not blurred. That means a Producer approached him and the guy agreed to sign a release and participate in the show. That means this dude did not care that he was being filmed while his house raided. Think about that for a sec. He’s either some arch criminal looking for infamy. . .or the segment is crap and he just doesn’t care.

Conversely, that’s why when they’re at the club or at a house party, you are hearing people’s voices being pitched down. Those people won’t sign because producers are not there. Which means, all that footage is garbage too. You’ll get vague code language about doing this or that drug, but nothing will ever come of this “investigation”. $10 says we get some exit interview with Jocko lamenting about how if you invite random trailer park people and/or bar people to your house at 3am, they might be into drugs. Deep, deep insight there.

Also, Bud Light pretty much already is water, so not sure what the point of that was.

Bud Light sucks butthole…

You know any beer is called “Lite” because no dude will ever drink “diet beer.” So change “diet” to “lite” and now you can sell diet beer.

Sorry, back to that which I feel I don’t need to watch because of the awesome critiques.

HAHA!!! I was literally thinking of the same comment earlier.
Regarding the filming release, though . . . . can’t they do that after the fact?
That’s what they do on “COPS”, I believe, and I’d think they’d do something similar. It would be a pain in the ass tracking everyone down later, but would be far less interference on production/ filming.

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Ahhhh, what splendor will we be brought tonight?
I predict . . . .
A party where nothing happens.
Another trip to the strip club where nothing happens.
Some inside jail footage where nothing happens.
A recap on the bust of Lil Skinny and then some cop footage where nothing happens.

Does it make me a bad person that I really want to see everyone but Charlie be stomped by a bunch of junkies and thugs?

Tonight on Narcolepsyland!

Man, I wish you guys were my neighbors. I bet we could come up with some good drinking games for this shitshow…

  • Drink every time they mention the CARTEL.
  • Drink every time Jocko Homo nods or winks at a hidden camera.
  • Drink every time someone mentions they could be killed.
  • and so on…

We would all die of alcohol poisoning

Dude,i can’t take anymore of Juggalo Jackie…

An actual quote from tonight’s episode: “I knew when we got back where there were no camera’s that something was up”…despite that mind numbing statement,Charlys segment was still the best of a sorry bunch…

The segment with the cops was just pathetic…

I’ll get caught up in the morning.
Yeah, Juggalo Jackie is insufferable.
I think I was reading comments on YouTube or some other group or something and everyone was saying “She high af, yo”, which I thought was funny. It isn’t at all unbelievable and she does sound stoned all the time. But I think the truth is she’s just dumb as fuck and SEEMS like she’s on drugs all the time (probably the only thing working in her favor on this undercover bullshit).

Yeah, I just think she is a general dip shit…

Yep, this is garbage, haha.
“Shoot this dope!” is a pretty sketchy situation, though, haha.

Looks like Charlie is doing the best with the shit hand he was dealt.

What’s up with this dumb kid driving around talking about his dad?

A lot of fuckers running around doing NOTHING.

I don’t even know how to respond to this show anymore. It’s like getting 20 minutes of a show you want to watch, surrounded by 40 minutes of annoying commercials.

20 min is being generous…