"60 Days In" on A&E

And I am glad that participant is gone because quite frankly I was bored shirtless by that particular participant…more focus on more interesting of the subjects now…

Fucking A & E. . .sometimes in the guide it’s listed as “60 Days In” and sometimes it’s listed as “60 Days In: Atlanta”. My DVR almost missed it tonight.

Thanks for not posting the spoiler. I saw your post and realized it wasn’t on the “to do” list.

And yes, that person was ridiculous. Good ep though.

Yeah Man,Ithe same thing happened to me and I couldn’t figure out why the show wasn’t recorded…figured it out and then played catch up…and yeah,glad the lame ass is gone…

The DVR shit is kind of messy. Fortunately I had set “60 Days In” still from previous seasons.

That stupid bitch that left . . . ugghhh!!! I hate her.
But you know what else . . . I really wanna see that stupid fat cow who’s writing notes get taken down hard.

What a fucking idiot. Just . . . ugggh. It’s so pointless too. There’s just absolutely no good reason to do that. They’re not going to penalize you later for not having a journal. Oh, and they actually specifically told you DON’T FUCKING DO THAT!!!

I can only hope the season ends with someone busting Too Tall right in his big googly eyed face…what a twat…

and Yeah,that former CO chick(how was she even a CO)is the worst…I can’t stand her…so stupid…

Funny how obvious it was to the two Marines that the other was in the program…the aloof “counseler for trouble youth” guy was totally clueless though…that guy is as soft as baby shit…

The other brother who now has the “una-bomber” as a cell mate(due to his ex cell mate throwing a towel over the camera-smart move,Einstein) is my favorite of all the subjects…he is slightly unhinged and clearly has some pent up anger management problems and now his cell mate is this fucking carnival geek nut job…I fucking can’t wait to see how that unfolds…

The part that I’m really interested in right now is this . . . .

The dumb bitch MAURI that is hiding notes in her cell might get found out because of JESSICA who quit and told the Warden that the girls are doing drugs and have contraban.

So now there’s gonna be a sweep . . . . and I think there’s a good chance that bitch’s notes will be found. And then . . . . well, we’ll just have to wait and see. Maybe the guards will put the screws to her. Or they’ll let the other inmates know that she’s a rat.

Anyway . . . I’m excited.

It’s crazy how violent this season is.
I really like this JON dude.
When he got in Dashaun’s face and wouldn’t let him short him on the cookie deal and then crushed the cookies in his hands when Dashaun paid up . . . . HAHAHAHAHA!!! That was excellent.

Oh yeah that was so good…the look on his face when he crushed the cookies was just priceless…

Just in case any of y’all were wondering what to get me for my birthday . . . yeah, I’m good, I don’t really want anything special. You can just shake my hand or buy me a soda if you’re feeling magnanimous.

I do know what I’m NOT going to ask for . . . and that’s for the entire cell block of hardened gangsters to beat the living shit out of me in a 10-on-1 massacre.

It actually seemed like a pretty BAD birthday present . . . but, that’s just me. Different strokes and all that . . .

What’s funny is they didn’t even beat him up that bad. If you can go straight back to playing cards, you’re not that beat up. All those dudes and not one of them even bloodied his nose?

Bunch of cunts. And Too Tall the biggest cunt of the bunch.

I was just watching the episode again where the girl is writing notes on pieces of paper and hiding them . In the narration she says “I’m just gonna hide them in a good place”, and then it shows her just putting them under her pillow. it’s the funniest thing ever

Gee,what a surprise,they found the worst hidden letters of all time…what a dumb ass…

I’m so mad that didn’t all go straight to Hell for her . . . though she is the absolute WORST at playing it cool, hahhahaa.

Sweating bullets and twitching like a dopefiend during the search.

Frantically telling ALLL her bunkies, “Did y’all see some letters that I had folded up and hiding in my mattress?”

“I need to talk to the camera people about some personal shit, yo!”

Obviously the promo edits always cut stuff up for maximum appetite whetting, but it does seem that paranoia is getting elevated in the coming episodes . . . . and if they start looking for rats, well . . . . Fatty McDumDum is basically shooting off flare guns and shouting in a megaphone.

Michelle (the time-worn honky) is legit and I hope she goes the distance. That other bitch that tapped out because “These are not my caliber of people” (holy shit, could you say something any more demeaning, you spineless cunt?) . . . yeah, I hope she gets a brick to the head out in the street.

And Fatty . . . well, I don’t hate her with the same level as that weird ass lying shitfuck in the first season . . . but she’s my number one of the remainders.

Gerson (the homo that tapped out before check-in) . . . . uggh, he needs to die on principle too.

Of the dudes . . . .

Calvin is setting himself up for pain. Too Tall and his boys are gonna eat him for lunch and use him as a human fleshlight because he’s basically offering himself up. "Oh, gee, I don’t know, you can just have what you want and maybe give me some noodles some day . . . ".

Angry Black (I can’t remember his name) is probably doing a good job of effectively throwing off the stink of being an informant . . . . but going way in the wrong direction. I am really wondering what MacKenzie has in store for him. The whole pod seemed to be shitting their pants on his behalf when homie tried to be Cool Hand Luke but just ended up being Shit Hand Douche.

John is cool as fuck. He is doing great at establishing himself as respectful, confident and not one to fuck with willy nilly. “This is what I think about your cookies” is still my favorite moment of the season so far.

Matt (Marine) is really laying low. Hopefully the psycho PTSD Marine doesn’t drag Matt into some compromising position with his uncontrolled cannon mouth.

White Mike is great. So far it seems he’s just got everyone’s respect and isn’t being pulled into any politics or anything . . . so I hope it continues as such.

. . . . . One thing I missed, though, was how Jon got his eye cut. Did his bunky hit him on purpose/accident? I saw mention of it after he came back from Medical, but I was away from the TV during the incident that caused it.

I’ll rewatch it tonight, though.

I would LOVE for there to be a totally kickass fairy tale twist where the cousin or brother of the punching bag dimwit that Too Tall and his thugs keeps terrorizing gets admitted to the pod . . . . and he’s like 7’ 6" and weighs 450lbs of prison-hardened assraping steel and just shreds Too Tall in front of all his bitchboys . . . then makes slaves out of all of Too Tall’s cronies to serve the rest of the pod and make that place shine.

Ha! “Shit Hand Douche”

Dude cut his eye because he ran into the stairs. He was going to walk underneath them, got distracted, and ran into the metal stairs.

Jon was walking by the stairwell and someone called his name…he looked back and when he turned his head back he bashed it in to the stairwell…Then he sat waiting for medical attention for 8 hours…I think Jon is a genuine dude and actually really seems to care about reform and the people in general who are incarcerated…

Jon was walking by the stairwell and someone called his name…he looked back and when he turned his head back he bashed it in to the stairwell…Then he sat waiting for medical attention for 8 hours…I think Jon is a genuine dude and actually really seems to care about reform and the people in general who are incarcerated…

Yeah, agreed on all points about Jon.

Yeah the angry black dude…Is it Don? That guy seems to definitely be working out some pent up aggression …either that or he is playing the part so hard that the line had become blurred for him…pretty interested in that guys plight…

Yeah the angry black dude…Is it Don? That guy seems to definitely be working out some pent up aggression …either that or he is playing the part so hard that the line had become blurred for him…pretty interested in that guys plight…

I think it’s a bit (a lot) of both, actually.
He definitely seems to have a bit of trouble with authority, following instructions, being told what to do, feeling disrespected, etc.

But it also feels like he’s seen too many prison/ghetto movies and is trying to play a part . . . . and sometimes expecting results to be as they are in the movies and not as they may be in real life.

With this tough guy shit snapping back to the guards and stuff . . . I think that’s gonna backfire because if you set yourself up with a “Gotta have the last word” position . . . . you’re ALWAYS gonna end up back in the hole or worse.

It’s hard to tell how much of that act is him just letting himself react organically and how much is calculated. Again, I think truth is in the middle, but if he does have the power to calculate, I think he should calculate how to shut the fuck up a little bit more.

All right . . . . so . . . is shit gonna get weird tonight? The teasers showed the inmates getting all suspicious and looking for rats . . . I think Mauri is the obvious target in that department, hahahha!!!

I believe there are 2 back to back episodes tonight…

Yeah, my DVR has 2 in the queue.