Lard - 9.3.1988

Would that be the original Angie or the most recent Angie?

Not sure? I thought there was only one Angie.

To be clear I’m not referring to his current girlfriend (LIz), who is by all accounts lovely and very supportive of Al embracing the history, etc.

That sounds like Angie. She stole his dogs, it wouldn’t surprise me that she was selling off his masters.

Yeah, that would be my guess.

Anyway @Revco… if you are in touch with the person who posted those images, put them in touch with me. I would like to know more.

The guy is Pat…let us know if anything comes out of it.

Patrick Skomski

Thanks. I got in touch with Patrick and put him in contact with Reid Hyams from Chicago Trax. He told me that before he acquired it, the tape sat for years in a non-climate controlled storage locker in Texas… not good news for its viability. But if he ever decides to attempt a transfer, Reid or I can put him in touch with a lab that knows how to handle archival.

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Sweet…hopefully something can come out of this.

He doesn’t plan on transferring it? I would at least try. Tape baking is pretty much down to a science rather than hit n miss at this point. I had a reel to reel VCR tape that sat in my dad’s closet for over 40 years baked and it came out perfect. (Well perfect from how it recorded off the tv -He recorded A Storm In Summer off of an antenna tv back in like 1971) There are lots of tutorials on how to tape bake online at this point but honestly I would leave it to the professionals.
Could your friend tell anymore about that reel? is it an indeed a lost song? Maybe it’s a junk reel with a bunch of outtakes?

It is an issue of time and money. And access given that a lot of post production labs are closed at the moment. But if he decides to do anything, he knows whom he can contact.

Unfortunately no… what you see in the photos/labels is what you get. No way of knowing what it is until it is rolled on a multitrack.