I was listening to NoMeansNo Wrong this morning on the drive to work.
I was listening to NoMeansNo Wrong this morning on the drive to work.
NICE! That was the first NoMeansNo I got, along with their collab with Jello “The Sky Is Falling and I Want My Mommy”.
Sorry, you’ve got my brain in nostalgia mode now. I just remembered that “WRONG” came with a “Wrong Identification Card” that you could fill out. I carried that thing in my wallet for the longest time, hahaha!
I have a friend who was in a band that was signed to Alternative Tentacles Records. He told me that as much as he loves and respects Jello, that he is really difficult to be around. And that (like every other label I’m sure) they got dicked around pretty bad in the money department.
I don’t doubt either of those statements, haha!
Do you remember the name of his band? I’ll probably remember them if they were anything from the 80’s or 90’s.
And, yeah, getting screwed around is pretty standard issue for being on most any independent label.
They were called The Phantom Limbs.
They came a bit later to the label, but I know I heard them on a sampler or something some time. I think they kind of had some of that Alice Donut goofiness but more of a throwback to the 80’s gothic/deathrock bands.
Yeah, that’s them. The guitarist is one of my oldest friends. He took me to my first concert, Over Kill and Dark Angel, when I was 13. He lives in San Francisco now, and I see him once in a while when one of his bands comes through town.
He took me to my first concert, Over Kill and Dark Angel, when I was 13.
Tremendously underrated and overlooked thrash band.
Overkill is great too, of course.
OH mna,I could talk nomeansno all day…what a great band…