full blooded german fuck you all

He’s crackin’ Jew jokes and toasting Jews by the trainload for being Jewy ass Jews and then an hour later . . . "3 dollars for a haircut? Oy Vey! Yer killin’ me, Larry!!! I’ll just do it myself. I got these kids’ scissors and a can of bacon grease. I’ll figure it out. "

Exactly! The guy was so cheap he wouldn’t even pay to have the rest of his upper lip shaved.

I mean, just the fact that everyone else can look so damn good (and the Nazi uniforms were amazing looking - you don’t have to side with their idiocy to agree) but your leader looks like an asshat is a shame. And I seem to always imagine Hitler as having a particularly large ass. Like a bubble-butt or like he leaned forward too much. Like Donald Duck. It could be my brain making him even lamer for the sake of humor but I don’t know.

Donald, eh?


This deserves a bump, too. So coofin thread wont be lonely

your a sand fless Grumpy!!!

your a sand fless Grumpy!!!

Who told??!!?!? [pirate]