If you are ever in London, take a few minutes to walk around the outside of the V&A museum and see where bombs struck the buildings.
Kuwait has areas with crappy apartment buildings and such which were just destroyed 20-some years back from shelling and such.
This puny little country was getting pushed around and steamrolled by the big bad Iraqis and were it not for the assistance they got from US and others there probably would not be a Kuwait today. They rebuilt, of course, and are a nation owned by rich, lazy, and corrupt Kuwaitis. The country now floats on the back of imported labor of all sorts. The Filipinos have all the service jobs and are household servants even (this is modern-day slavery for many, though it is called otherwise to reduce bad PR). Indians and Sri Lankans do all the crappy manual labor. And Indian and Western firms handle engineering, architecture, technical services, etc. . .
The Kuwaitis are paid HANDSOMELY for just being born in the right place at the right time. While many are of some “royal” connection and don’t really have to do anything, a large portion of them get cushy (this is a whole new level of cush) government/ municipal jobs at various Ministries where they come and go as they please and put in MAYBE 2 or 3 hours of work in a week.
Sorry, I got off on a bit of a tangent there. I guess some other comments got me thinking about how different countries/ groups react differently. Ideally, you’d hope that people who had been saved from extinction by the sacrifices of others would try to have more of a “pay-it-forward” attitude or garner a “we’re all in this together” outlook but some just pick themselves up, return to their sense of entitlement and look for the next chumps to grind under their heels.